科学小玩家 玩转“课程博览馆”——走进辽宁省鞍山市铁东区青少年活动中心

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题记:2012年9月,教育部出台了《教育部关于加强中小学少先队活动的通知》。通知中明确规定:要把社会主义核心价值体系融入中小学教育全过程,充分调动社会各方面的积极性,挖掘各种社会资源,有效整合、利用各级各类校外教育机构,包括校外活动场所、社会实践基地等教育资源,为少先队活动的开展提供必要的条件保障。“加强少先队活动基地建设”是一种将少先队教育融合到社会大课堂,建立开放式、互动式少先队大课堂的最佳途径。整合区域教育资源,加强少先队与各类青少年活动场所联系,将有效德育课堂延伸到青少年社会化场所,开展青少年科技教育、安全教育、国防教育、劳技教育等主题鲜明、生动活泼、丰富多彩、独具特色的教育实践活动,在活动中,引导学生树立远大理想,形成坚定信念,提升综合素质。近期,我们走进辽宁省鞍山市铁东区青少年活动中心进行深度采访。这是一所国内知名的全部公益性、多元化的全区中小学生综合实践基地,孩子们在五彩缤纷的综合实践大课堂中快乐体验,这里,被家长们亲切地称为“孩子们不爱放学的体验乐园”。 Inscription: In September 2012, the Ministry of Education promulgated the “Notice of the Ministry of Education on Strengthening the Activities of Young Pioneers in Primary and Secondary Schools”. The circular clearly stipulates that it is necessary to integrate the socialist core value system into primary and secondary education, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of all sectors of society, tap various social resources, effectively integrate and utilize various types of off-campus educational institutions at all levels, including off-campus activity venues, Social practice base and other educational resources for the Young Pioneers activities to provide the necessary conditions for protection. “Strengthening the construction of Young Pioneers’ Base” is the best way to integrate Junior Pioneers education into social classes and to establish a large class of open and interactive Junior Pioneers. Integrate regional educational resources, strengthen the links between young pioneers and various types of youth activities, extend effective classrooms of moral education to young people’s socialized places, carry out distinctive, lively and vivid, rich and colorful topics on youth science and technology education, safety education, national defense education and labor education, Unique educational practice activities, in activities, to guide students to establish ambitious ideal, the formation of firm beliefs and enhance the overall quality. Recently, we walked into the TEDA Youth Activity Center in Anshan City, Liaoning Province for an in-depth interview. This is a well-known all-public, diversified primary and secondary comprehensive practice base in the region, the children in a colorful comprehensive practice class happy experience, here, affectionately known as the parents “Children do not love After school experience paradise ”.
方法:将生绿豆二两洗净,入小锅内煮至将熟时,加入白菜兜2~3个,再煮沸约20分钟,弃渣取汁顿服,每天服1~2次,曾治疗儿童34例,未并用其他药物,经观察在服绿豆 Methods: Wash gree
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他们在荧屏上衣着光鲜、魅力四射。一首首歌曲,一个个角色,令荧屏下的我们为之倾倒。其实,很多娱乐圈闪亮的男星还是生活中的好爸爸,有很多值得我们学习和借鉴的地方。这次,让我们从智慧的明星老爸们身上学点育儿招式吧!  模范奶爸  很多星爸不仅戏演得好,回到家中更是做出了让我们为之喝彩的事——放下明星身份,端起奶爸的架势,每天与尿片、奶瓶为伍。他们的爱意浓厚,一边温情地陪伴着妻子,一边手法娴熟地照料着婴儿
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