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在毛主席的革命路线指引下,在无产阶级文化大革命和批林批孔运动的推动下,北京地区基本建设战线形势大好。不少单位的党组织,带领广大职工深入学习无产阶级专政理论,坚持党的基本路线,紧紧抓住阶级斗争这个纲,不断批判修正主义,批判资本主义,深入开展“工业学大庆”的群众运动,革命热气腾腾,生产蒸蒸日上,工程质量不断提高,实现了优质高产低成本,全面完成了国家计划。伟大领袖毛主席早就指出:“一切产品,不但求数量多,而且求质量好,耐穿耐用。”毛主席这一教导,要求我们正确地处理数量和质量的关系,在增加产品数量的同时,以对人民高度负责的精神,不断提高产品质量。工业生产要重视产品质量,基本建设关系到国家长远利益,工程质量同样重要。提高工程质量,为国民经济各部门提供优质的固定资产和生产能力,是为巩固无产阶级专政创造更加雄厚的物质基础的重要条件。为了巩固和发展社会主义经济基础,巩固无产阶 Under the guidance of Chairman Mao’s revolutionary line, driven by the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution and the approval of Lin Piao and Confucius, the basic construction front in the Beijing area is in a good situation. Many party organizations have led the employees to study the theory of the dictatorship of the proletariat in depth, adhere to the party’s basic line, firmly grasp the class struggle, continuously criticize revisionism, criticize capitalism, and carry out the masses of the “Daqing of Industrial Studies”. The movement, the revolutionary blaze, the production booming, the quality of the project have been continuously improved, and the high quality, high output, and low cost have been achieved, and the national plan has been fully completed. The great leader Chairman Mao has long pointed out: “Every product not only requires more quantities, but also has better quality and durability.” Chairman Mao’s teaching requires us to properly handle the relationship between quantity and quality, while increasing the number of products. In the spirit of being highly responsible to the people, we continuously improve the quality of our products. Industrial production must pay attention to product quality, and basic construction has a bearing on the long-term interests of the country. The quality of the project is equally important. Improving project quality and providing high quality fixed assets and production capacity for all sectors of the national economy are important conditions for consolidating the proletarian dictatorship and creating a more solid material foundation. To consolidate and develop the socialist economic base and consolidate the apron
六机部首次液压技术经验交流会,于1978年10月21至27日在云南省昆明市举行。参加这次会议的有部内外75个单位131名代表。提交会 The first hydraulic technology experience
坚持机关革命化,做到“三个面向”“五到现场”:面向群众、面向基层、面向生产;生产指挥到现场、政治工作到现 Adhere to the revolutionization of the organization, to