松毛虫脊茧蜂[ Rogds dendrolimi(Matsu-mura)] ,又名松毛虫内茧蜂、松毛虫红头小茧蜂,是松毛虫的主要天敌,在我省松毛虫发生区均有分布, 对油松毛虫寄生率很高。据1976—1985十年的观察,自然寄生率为10—20%,有的年份达50%以上。为更好地保护和利用这种天敌防治松毛虫,多年来,我们对其习性和发生规律,以及保护和利用等方面,做了观察和试验研究,现整理如下:
Dendrolimi (Matsu-mura), also known as Dendrolimus tabaci, and Dendrolimus tabaci, are the main natural enemies of pine caterpillars, and are distributed in the occurrence area of pine caterpillars in our province. Dendrolimus parasitism is high. According to the observation of 1976-1985 ten years, the natural parasitic rate is 10-20%, some of the year up to 50%. In order to better protect and utilize this natural enemy against pine caterpillars, we have made observations and experimental studies on its habits and occurrences, as well as protection and utilization, etc., for the following years: