我公司使用的PX-1200旋回破碎机,已有20多年的历史了,各选厂在使用中积累了不少经验,但也存在一些问题,有的甚至造成严重的后果,给生产带来影响。为了更好的合理使用、维护、检修旋回破碎机,本文试就有关的几个问题。谈一点粗浅的看法。 (一)护轴套的锥度问题图1是悬挂部分结构图,图2是护轴套零件图。护轴套的锥度是1/60。图3是在检修时为方便装配。把护轴套的锥度车削为1/90~1/180的锥度,最常见是图3(b),它小于偏心套
The PX-1200 gyratory crusher used by our company has a history of more than 20 years. Many experience has been accumulated in the use of the plants. However, there are some problems, some of which even have serious consequences and have an impact on the production . In order to better and reasonable use, maintenance, repair gyratory crusher, this article on the test of several issues. Talk a little superficial view. (A) the taper of the protection sleeve Figure 1 is the suspension part of the structure, Figure 2 is a protective sleeve parts map. Taper sleeve is 1/60. Figure 3 is in the maintenance for the convenience of assembly. Turning the taper of the bushing to 1/90 ~ 1/180 taper, the most common is Figure 3 (b), which is smaller than the eccentric sleeve