
来源 :当代教育实践与教学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yaonulio
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《宪法》是国家的根本大法,是母法,在法律体系中具有最高的地位。《宪法学》是关于研究《宪法》理论基础知识的一门科学。在法学体系中居于基础性的重要地位,其内容较为抽象。笔者研究宪法学教学问题时常常感慨“教师难教,学生难学”。党的十八届四中全会明确提出了要建设社会主义法治国家,必须完善以宪法为核心的法律体系,加强宪法实施。针对在宪法教学中出现的内容单调、学生积极性低,宪法专业教师数量不多的问题,笔者试图探讨改进的良方。以期在《宪法学》教学中能改变现状,迈出新的步伐,培养更多的具备宪法思维的法律人才,为推进依法治国,建设社会主要法治国家献微薄之力。 The Constitution is the fundamental law of the country, the mother law, and the highest status in the legal system. The “constitutional law” is a science that studies the basic knowledge of the constitutional theory. In the legal system in a fundamental and important position, its content is more abstract. I often study the constitution of teaching problems with emotion “teachers difficult to teach, students difficult to learn ”. At the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, it was clearly stated that to build a socialist country governed by the rule of law, the legal system with the constitution as the core must be perfected and the constitutional implementation should be strengthened. In view of the monotonous content, the low enthusiasm of the students and the small number of teachers in the constitutional law appearing in the constitution teaching, the author tries to discuss the remedy of improvement. With a view to changing the status quo in the teaching of Constitutional Studies, taking new steps and cultivating more legal talents with constitutional thinking, we can offer modest contributions to the promotion of governing the country according to law and building the country under the rule of law.
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