应瑞士水墨基金会主席田德(Gerald Imfeld)邀请,中国美协代表团一行10人于4月21日至30日对位于瑞士、法国两国交界的阿尔卑斯山区瓦莱州及沃州一带的采尔玛特(Zermatt)、威合比耶(Verbier)、康蒙塔那(Crans-Mountain)等市镇进行了交流、采风活动,为筹备中的“水墨阿尔卑斯——中国画作品展”收集创作素材。代表团以中国文联党组副书记、副主席覃志刚为团长,中国文联副主席、中国美协主席刘大为,中国美协分党组书记、常务副主席吴长江与应邀参与活动的艺术家们一起赴瑞士采风、交流。代表团经多哈转机于21日下午结束了10余小时的航程,抵达瑞士苏黎世。田德携夫人白云(Imfeld Michele)等在机场热情迎接代表团。随后代表团转乘火车前往此次访问的第一站采尔玛特市。
At the invitation of Chairman Gerald Imfeld of the Swiss Ink Foundation, a delegation of 10 Chinese Artists Association visited Zell am Rhein and Vaud in the Alps at the border between Switzerland and France from April 21 to 30. Zermatt, Verbier, Crans-Mountain and other cities and towns held a gathering, collecting folk songs for the preparation of “Alps - Chinese painting exhibition ” collection creation material. The delegation headed by Qin Zhigang, deputy secretary of the Chinese Federation Literary Party branch and vice chairman, Liu Dagiang, Vice Chairman of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, chairman of China Artists Association, Wu Changjiang, deputy party secretary and executive vice president of the Chinese American Artists Association, together with the artists invited to participate in the activities. ,communicate with. The delegation ended its flight of more than 10 hours on the afternoon of the 21st through the Doha transfer to Zurich, Switzerland. Tian De and his wife, Imfeld Michele, warmly welcomed the delegation at the airport. The delegation then took a train to Zermatt, the first stop of the visit.