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  Host: Though the sums spent on campaign ads may be 1)unprecedented and the media on which they appear may be new, their message is as old as politics. David Schwartz is chief 2)curator for New York’s Museum of the Moving Image, where he curated The Living Room Candidate, which traces campaign ads from the birth of television, starting with the 1952 campaign of Dwight Eisenhower.
  We asked Schwartz for a quick retrospective of that campaign, which set the 3)template for so much that followed. For instance, in Eisenhower’s ads, he talked to real people, just like candidates do now.
  David Schwartz: Of course, the people were filmed separately. They actually filmed them a day before, asked them the questions, and then they filmed 4)Ike separately in a studio reading off of big cue cards. Announcer: Eisenhower answers America.
  Correspondent: General, the Democrats are telling me I never had it so good.
  President Eisenhower: Can that be true, when America is billions in debt, when prices have doubled, when taxes break our backs and we are still fighting in Korea? It’s time for a change.
  David: Everything goes back to Eisenhower—’cause things really haven’t changed a lot.
  Host: Which brings us to the biographical ad, which apparently, is as old as campaigning itself.
  David: In the beginning of a campaign, the candidate introduces themselves with an ad that sort of tells their story in one minute. So, again, Eisenhower, he had an ad showing he was from the heartland of America.
  Correspondent: The man from Abilene! Out of the heartland of America, out of this small frame house in Abilene, Kansas…
  David: And, actually, if you look at the Obama campaign, he also did biographical ads.
  President Obama: I was raised by a single mom and my grandparents. We didn’t have much money. But they taught me values straight from the Kansas heartland where they grew up.
  David: 5)Adlai Stevenson was the man from Libertyville. The Eisenhower campaign criticized that at first and they said, this is just made up, but he was actually from Libertyville. These are the feel-good ads, and then the 6)mudslinging starts. Then all the attack ads begin.
  Host: Now, attack ads, that’s a category that’s so big that it’s broken down into a variety of subcategories, one of which is the backfire ad, which I thought was a new phenomenon but, as you said, it goes back to Eisenhower.
  David: Adlai Stevenson did backfire ads in 1956, and they took bits and pieces of the Eisenhower commercials from ’52 and then showed how he didn’t live up to his promise.
  艾森豪威尔总统:当美国负债累累,当物 价成倍上涨,当税收压弯了我们的腰,而我们还在与朝鲜打仗时,这会是真的吗?是时候作出改变 了。
  Host: Another really enduring category is the scare ad. This is the one that uses 7)ominous images to tie an opponent to a threat.
  David: And that really was introduced in 1964. The most famous of all political ads was the 8)Daisy Girl ad, which just 9)juxtaposes two images. You have a little girl picking petals off of a daisy—this innocent little child cut to mushroom cloud explosions.
  Host: This was a Johnson ad tying Goldwater to nuclear 10)obliteration.
  David: It’s hard to do more of a vicious attack than that.
  Host: You know, very few people have the perspective you have because you can see every video ad of note throughout 50 years of campaigning. And I just wonder—are they becoming more outrageous?
  David: The Internet is changing things. I think now we’re seeing ads that are taking more chances because the way that an ad works on the Internet is if it’s funny and 11)provocative, it goes viral. For many years the ads sort of stayed the same. They used the same techniques and the same messages. If you were attacking a Democrat you would always say they want to raise your taxes or they’re gonna be weak on defense. And if you’re attacking the Republicans you say they don’t care about the working class, they don’t care about people. The motto, “It’s time for a change” we’ve been hearing since 1952. Ads do create a sense of expectation that always leads to disappointment. And that’s why it’s always time for a change.
  Host: Give me an unsung gem.
  David: Well, Tony Schwartz, who made the Daisy Girl ad, did a 12)hilarious ad in 1968 where you just see a TV set and you hear a man laughing. You know, he can’t control himself. And then he sort of chokes at the end of the ad and coughs. And the image on screen just says“Agnew for Vice President.” And I thought that was brilliant.
放眼望去,时尚杂志、女性杂志几乎是清一色的美女,封面女郎或是歌星、影星、名模,或是日益时尚的运动员,她们都有着好看的脸蛋,妙曼的身材。她们似乎都在传达着相同的信息:我漂亮,我成功,我自豪。而这一类杂志,不时会出现一些减肥妙方、节食大全等等。这一切都在提醒着女性读者:你不够美丽,要努力。于是,就真的有许多人为此而在不懈地努力着……  The celebrity trend for size zero
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要搬家了,那条过时的裙子,扔掉;那本没看完的书,扔掉;那个幼稚的杯子,扔掉……且慢,杯子幼稚不假,可那是你成长的经历;那裙子刚刚穿上的时候啥感觉,你穿着它去过什么地方?那本书可能是某人送你的,TA为什么要送给你?你为什么没看完?你曾经拥有的每一样东西,都记录着你的故事、你的人生,也许你要三思而行。   onsidering how much we love to shop, we generall
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Requirements:  1. You must always be here from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. exactly. You must not be late. You cannot leave early.  2. You may not read, examine, inspect, or otherwise touch any of the books in t
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理论基础和实地考察都完成了,别以为这样就结束了~现在购物的方式可是不断翻新啊,一不留神,你就out了~ 这不,很多人出门连钱包都不用带了,直接用手机付账。这样做到底好不好呢?作为一名精明的购物达人,这可是你不得不了解的购物时尚哦!  Host: Now, to matters of personal finance. We want to talk about your money and you