A new process of extracting vanadium from stone coal

来源 :International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fkj1022
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A new process of extracting vanadium from the stone coal vanadium ore in Fangshankou,Dunhuang area of Gansu Province, China was introduced.Various leaching experiments were carried out,and the results show that the vanadium ore in Fangshankou is difficult to process due to its high consumption of acid and the high leaching rate of impurities.However,the leaching rate can be up to 80%and the content of V_2O_5 in the residue can be between 0.22%-0.25%in the process of ore fine grinding→oxidation roasting→mixing and ripening→aqueous leaching→P_2O_4 solvent extraction→sulfuric acid stripping→oxidation and precipitation→decomposition by heat.Also,the quality of flaky V_2O_5 produced by this process can meet the requirements of GB3283—87.The total leaching rate of vanadium is 70%.Also, three types of wastes are easy to treat.The vanadium extraction process is better in relation to the aspect of environmental protection than the sodium method. A new process of extracting vanadium from the stone coal vanadium ore in Fangshankou, Dunhuang area of ​​Gansu Province, China was introduced. Variious leaching experiments were carried out, and the results show that the vanadium ore in Fangshankou is difficult to process due to its high consumption of acid and the high leaching rate of impurities. However, the leaching rate can be up to 80% and the content of V_2O_5 in the residue can be between 0.22% -0.25% in the process of ore fine grinding → oxidation roasting → mixing and ripening → aqueous leaching → P_2O_4 solvent extraction → sulfuric acid stripping → oxidation and precipitation → decomposition by heat. Also, the quality of flaky V_2O_5 produced by this process can meet the requirements of GB3283-87.The total leaching rate of vanadium is 70 % .Also, three types of wastes are easy to treat. The vanadium extraction process is better in relation to the aspect of environmental protection than the sodium method.
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