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  1. —Mom, Jack told me he wouldnt prepare us any gifts for this coming Christmas.
  A. Its a date B. Who wants
  C. Its not big dealD. He has no sense
  2. Such singers as Li Jian widely popular, of whose songs, however, some difficult to sing.
  A. are; areB. is; is
  C. are; isD. is; are
  3. To the traditional engine of growth, we will focus on increasing the supply of public goods and services.
  A. transportB. transmit
  C. transformD. translate
  4. The countrys Prime Ministers Office said on Wednesday that Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew remains ill in the ICU and his health has worsened further.
  A. consciouslyB. critically
  C. cruciallyD. confidentially
  5. The rising tide of trade is good news for people who work in tradesensitive business, especially those that produce commodities global demand sets the price—agricultural goods, metals, oil.
  A. whereB. that
  C. on whichD. for which
  6. To accomplish our goals, we aggressive and diligent in their daily work over the past year, the principal said.
  A. had beenB. have been
  C. wereD. are
  7. China and Canada just reached an agreement on granting visas to each others citizens, with the period of up to 10 years, Foreign Minister Wang Yi said here Sunday.
  A. vacancyB. facility
  C. facultyD. validity
  8. While not wishing to appear impolite, I ask you to leave so that I can make a private telephone call.
  A. shouldB. must
  C. couldD. might
  9. Most men arent born great—they become great. , not everyone is the enthusiastic type that falls in love with their work.
  A. AdditionallyB. Admittedly
  C. SimilarlyD. Generally
  10. along several city blocks is a row of trees, their leaves turning a brilliant yellow now that summer is over.
  A. ExtendingB. Being extended
  C. To be extendedD. Extended
  11. The press noted that China has entered a “new normal” phase characterized by mediumhighlevel growth breakneck growth of previous years.
  A. more thanB. other than
  C. better thanD. rather than
  12. President Xi Jinping expressed his gratitude to the public for their support, saying that without it, “we could not have achieved anything and I must give our great people ”.
  A. the bottom lineB. a thumbs up
  C. a big dealD. ring a bell   13. Our monitor couldnt help thinking he was when the head teacher asked him for some advice on how to strengthen class management.
  A. somethingB. anything
  C. anybodyD. everybody
  14. Your sister may not take your advice seriously if you do not it with a warning.
  A. uniteB. concern
  C. accompanyD. equip
  15. Wed better all the advantages and disadvantages before we come to the final decision.
  A. make upB. put up
  C. add upD. pick up
  My 16 with science probably started with a visit to a science museum when I was about seven or eight years old. My mother took me to visit a museum 17 in a building in New York City. I 18 that many of the 19 offered the opportunity to 20 them and observe various mechanical and electrical 21. My interest in science was soon further.
  22 by popular science books that I found in the local library. I was 23 to books by Sir James Jeans. There were no particular24 who influenced my choice of 25 and I especially like the areas in which I have worked because it 26 mathematics and many scientific disciplines, physics, chemistry and the life science.
  My family and close relatives have included many 27 people for many generations. Several spent their lives in the 28 arts, many in commercial arts. There29 had been a scientist in the family. My family was, nevertheless, very 30 of my interest in science and would have probably31 been very supportive if I had a different interest. We lived in a community in which most families had emigrated to the United States from Europe. There was a great 32 among these families for their children to become welleducated and have successful careers in their33 professions. The New York City school system was excellent when I was growing up and 34 many great opportunities to the children. I attended college at the City College of New York, a very fine school that 35 many leading intellectuals. Looking back, I felt very lucky and appreciated for the way I came along.
  16. A. luckB. surprise
  C. fascination D. interest
  17. A. layB. placed
  C. liedD. located
  18. A. recognizeB. relate
  C. recallD. retell
  19. A. materialsB. exhibits
  C. stuffD. displays
  20. A. operateB. work
  C. functionD. deal
  21. A. featuresB. characters
  C. dataD. application
  22. A. StimulatedB. Raised
  C. ArisenD. Taken   Some entirely new observations have been recorded as well. In its 2007 report, the IPCC did not include the impact of Greenlands or Antarcticas melting glaciers in its estimate of future sealevel rise, saying it lacked sufficient data. But now the speedup of flow from these glaciers has been documented. And while the IPCC noted in 2007 that every continent had warmed throughout the 20th century except Antarctica, that continent has now been shown to be warming as well—very likely due to manmade influences, says a climate scientist.
  36. By saying “...they claim absolute certainty in a field of research filled with uncertainty (Line 23, Para.1)”, the author means that some people may think .
  A. climate scientists should be accused for their wrong theory
  B. the research on climate change cant answer peoples question
  C. the reason for climate change cant be explained with certainty
  D. the climate change caused by global warming is sure to happen
  37. What can we learn from the most recent document?
  A. Human behaviors should be responsible for the temperature increase.
  B. The rising temperatures affect the observation of the greenhouse gas.
  C. It is certain that global warming will happen in the near future.
  D. It is somewhat complicated to explain the reasons for global warming.
  38. The update before the completion of the IPCC report mentioned in this passage is to .
  A. demonstrate that evidence always comes up quickly
  B. prove that climate science is not static
  C. show that it is easier to collect evidence for global warming
  D. state that no climate science can be said to be correct
  39. We can infer from the end of passage that .
  A. no sufficient data can support global warming
  B. the speed of global warming is raised greatly
  C. the report of IPCC is not as accurate as claimed
  D. there is no continent that hasnt suffered from warming
  Nearly 5,000 people below the age of 21 die because of excessive alcohol consumption each year. Oddly, this has triggered a new movement to lower the drinking age. In America, young people can vote, drive, marry divorce, hunt and go to war before alcohol is legally allowed to touch their lips. Many states once set their minimum drinkingage at 18. But in 1984 Ronald Reagan oversaw the passage of the “21 law”, which requires states to set 21 as the minimum drinkingage or risk losing 10% their highway funds. Now campaigners want to move it back.   In the past, states have been too financially timid to challenge the 21 law. But calls for change are growing louder. Two local judges in South Carolina recently ruled that banning 18to 20yearolds from drinking or possessing alcohol is unconstitutional. Public officials, including the former attorney general of South Dakota, have called the 21 law a failure. The aboutface of Morris Chafetz, a doctor who served on the commission that recommended increasing the drinkingage to 21, has also raised eyebrows. This week he called it the most regrettable decision of his career.
  Supporters of existing status, including the organization Mothers Against Drunk Driving, say that the law has helped avoid thousands of deaths. But doubters point out that other countries, like Canada, have seen similar declines, even though their drinkingage is 18. They also argue that barring young people from drinking does not stop them from consuming alcohol: it just makes them drink more quickly.
  John McCardell, former president of Middlebury College in Vermont, is part of the Amethyst Initiative, a group of educators who are pushing for 18yearolds to be allowed to drink. “Those who have graduated from high school, have a clean record and completed an alcoholeducation programme should qualify for a drinking license,” he says, “in the same way that people who go to driving school receive a license to operate a vehicle.”
  This is not the first time that Americans have desired a change in alcohol policy during a period of economic distress. Franklin Roosevelt lifted prohibition in 1933 amid the trouble of a depression.
  40. All the U.S. State governments used o follow the “21 law” because .
  A. its passage was supervised by Reagan personally
  B. most citizens believed that it was reasonable
  C. they couldnt afford to take the financial risk
  D. it took much time and money to get a law passed
  41. In Canada, where the drinking age is 18, .
  A. young people want to begin drinking at a lower age
  B. people are increasingly doubtful about the “18 law”
  C. fewer and fewer people support the “18 law”
  D. fewer young people die from drunk driving
  42. John McCardell suggests that .
  A.18yearolds should learn for a license before they can drink
  B. a drinking school should be opened for high school students
  C. one should get a license before they can drink
  D. any 18yearolds should be qualified to drink   43. What did Franklin Roosevelt do during the 1933 depression?
  A. He lifted the trouble of a depression.
  B. He changed the alcohol policy.
  C. He decided to ban alcohol.
  D. He desired a change in alcohol policy.
  How does food affect mood and mind? The answer may lie in the chemistry of the brain and nervous system. Molecules called neurotransmitters (神经传递素) are chemical messengers. They carry a nerve impulse across the gap between nerve cells. The release of neurotransmitter molecules from one neuron and their attachment to receptor sites on another keep a nerve impulse moving.
  Nerve impulses carry messages from the environment to the brain, for example, the pain you feel when you stub (踢碰) your toe. They also carry messages in the other direction, from the brain to the muscles. Thats why you back away from the obstacle that initiated the pain signal and exclaim, “Ouch!”
  “Many neurotransmitters are built from the foods we eat,” says neuroscientist Eric Chudler of the University of Washington. Too little or too much of a particular nutrient in the diet can affect their production, Chudler says. For example, tryptophan from foods such as yogurt, milk, bananas, and eggs is required for the production of the neurotransmitter serotonin. Phenylalanine from beets, almonds, eggs, meat, and grains goes into making the neurotransmitter dopamine.
  Dozens of neurotransmitters are known; hundreds may exist. Their effects depend on their amounts and where they work in the brain. The neurotransmitter serotonin, for example, is thought to produce feelings of calmness, relaxation, and contentment. Drugs that prevent it from being taken again (into the neuron that released it) are prescribed to treat depression. In at least some healthy, nondepressed people, carbohydrate foods seem to enhance serotonin production and produce similar effects. “It is the balance between different neurotransmitters that helps regulate mood,” Chudler says.
  Proper nutrition may also enhance brainpower. Choline is a substance similar to the B vitamins. Its found in egg yolks, whole wheat, peanuts, milk, green peas, liver, beans, seafood, and soybeans. The brain uses it to make the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. To test the effects of choline on memory and learning, researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology gave memory tests to college students before increasing the amount of choline in their subjects diets. Later, they retested. On the average, memories were better, and the students learned a list of unrelated words more easily.   44. The function of neurotransmitters can be best compared to that of .
  A. a transport vehicleB. a protective shield
  C. a power plantD. a food factory
  45. Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology intended to find out .
  A. how choline is produced out of foods
  B. how choline is converted into acetylcholine
  C. if the improvement of brainpower is related to choline
  D. if the improvement of brainpower is related to proper diets
  46. What is the message the author intends to convey?
  A. The chemistry of the brain an nervous system.
  B. The influence of foods on our food and mind.
  C. The functions of neurotransmitters.
  D. The importance of a balanced diet.
  Cars and other road vehicles are the single main source of harmful nitrogen oxides.
  Road transport remains the biggest source of harmful air pollution in the EU despite efforts to reduce emissions over the past decades.
  A report published by the European Environment Agency (EE.) shows that it is the single main source of nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and nonmethane volatile organic compounds.
  It is also the second most important source of PM10 and PM2.5 particles.
  As well as road transport, manufacturing industries, construction, the residential sector and agriculture are the main sources of air pollution in Europe today, the agency said.
  The EEA said, “Particulate matter from sources such as vehicle exhausts and residential heating can affect the lungs and harm people of all ages, but it is known to pose an extra risk to those with existing heart and respiratory problems.”
  “Air pollutants are also responsible for the acidification of forests and water ecosystems, and eutrophication of soils and waters—leading to a limited supply of oxygen in rivers and lakes.”
  A spokesperson for campaign group T
[文题展示]  阅读下面的材料,根据要求写一篇不少于800字的文章。  历史上的名医很少有出版自己的医方的。中国的神医扁鹊,只在传说中有谈医理的书,并不留医方。神医华佗,传说生前写过一本能使人起死回生的书,被人烧掉,叫人顿足惋惜。直到今天,医生仍不喜欢,甚至不允许病人带走药方。良医不让医方广为流传,不是嫌医方不善,而是忧用医方的人不善。  要求选好角度,确定立意,明确文体,自拟标题;不要脱离材料内
从近几年的江苏新课标高考命题来看,解析几何主要考查直线方程、圆方程和圆锥曲线方程、直线与圆的位置关系、直线与圆锥曲线的位置关系以及圆锥曲线的有关性质,考题以两小一大形式出现,即两个填空题,一个解答题,小题主要考查解析几何的基础知识,解答题以解析几何综合题的形式出现,考查同学们综合应用解析几何知识解决问题的能力.那么在解析几何高考命题中,哪些是常考不衰的考点呢?  考点一、直线方程  直线方程一直是
托物言志散文,是指以托物言志为主要表现手法创作的散文。托物言志,就是通过对物的描写和叙述,表现作者的志向和意愿。写植物,就是要写出这一植物的形状、大小、颜色等特点。写动物,就是要写出这一动物的形状、大小、习性等特点。写器物,就是要写出这一器物的形状、大小、体积、颜色、质地等特点。但无论怎样,我们还是要透过这些物的外在特征,去联想这些特征背后的有关人的特性,从而掌握作者所要表达的“志”。  一、托植
从2008年开始,江苏省高考增添了附加题,分值达40分,今年已计入总分。加试题的难度明显高于第一卷的试题,而考试只给考生30分钟时间,难度大,时间紧,怎样有效提高文科学生高考的成绩,这是值得我们在高考复习中认真研究的。在这40分中,文学作品的阅读占15分。笔者在这里就如何提高文科学生准确把握文学作品的内容,进而提高高考成绩谈一点粗浅的看法。    首先,同学们对古今中外一些重要的作家作品要做总览和
与往年相比,2015年高考诗歌鉴赏类试题的题量、题型和分值基本保持不变,但考查重点有所转移。2015年高考诗歌鉴赏的考查内容主要集中在三个方面,即表达技巧、思想感情和语言特色,同时也涉及少量的诗歌形象、内容赏析等考点,难度也有所增加。为了帮助同学们了解题型设置特点,掌握命题规律,提升答题技巧,现谨对2015年高考诗歌鉴赏试题做一分类解析,希望对广大考生有所裨益。  题型一:表达技巧  诗歌要表情达
【热身训练】  句型转换,在第2、3两句填入适当连接词(不改变句意)。  1. Studying hard, you will succeed.  2.____________you study hard, you will succeed.  3. Study hard,____________you will succeed.  答案:第一句是简单句,其中Studying hard 是现在分词
函数作为基本的数学工具,在解决数学问题中有着广泛的应用,合理地构造函数,往往能够找到巧妙的解法,但是由于函数构造思维难度较大,不少同学对此无从下手,因此它又成为高中数学问题解决的一个难点.本文拟以实例从不同角度探究构造函数的策略,以期能对同学们以后的问题解决起到引导作用,供参考.  一、类比结构特征,整体构造函数  点评:单调性、奇偶性等性质是函数的重要特征,在研究的问题中如果有这些性质的呈现或变
[原文]  空信封  文/无字仓颉  父亲给他打电话,说身份证丢了。他说:“补办一个吧,很方便的,乡派出所就能办,否则没法寄钱了。”  父亲说:“一把老骨头了,还能用几年?不办了,不花那钱。以后再寄钱,就写信吧,还能省邮费。”  他不放心,说那样不保险,信封寄钱,如果寄丟了邮局可不包赔。  父亲对他说:“你先寄一次试试,不行,再想别的办法。能省就省嘛!”  他答应试试看。  第一次,他先塞了一张“
层层梯田叠青泻翠,片片绿浪在微风吹拂下上下翻腾。几抹薄云紧紧地挂在那湛蓝透亮的天际,仿佛在欢迎客人的来访。  欢迎来到篁岭古镇。  在没有被世人发现前,这儿原本是一片荒山野岭。是徽商曹文侃的到来,给这片深山老林带来了勃勃生机。几百年前,家缠万贯的他,舍弃了优渥奢华、醉生梦死的富贵生活,转身投入了大自然的怀抱。  在那个年代,商人是会被鄙夷、被诟病的,所谓无商不奸。在饱受年复一年的伤害后,曹文侃决定