4月10日,一颗印度“IN- SET-3A”卫星通过“欧 洲阿里亚娜-5”型运载火箭,在法属圭亚那的发射基地发射升空。这颗由印度空间研究局自行研制的多用途卫星重达2958公斤,携带先进的气象预报和通讯设备,目前已进入预定轨道。据报道,此举将大幅度提高印度在空间广播通讯及气象观测等方面的能力。另据报道,印度自行研制的卫星发射器,即地球同步轨道运载火箭“GSLV”的第二次试飞,也将于近期进行。
On 10 April, an Indian “IN-SET-3A” satellite was launched through the “Ariana-5” launch vehicle at the launch site in French Guiana. The multi-purpose satellite, which was developed by the Indian Research Institute for Space Research, weighed 2,958 kg and carried advanced weather forecasting and communications equipment and is now on track. It is reported that this move will greatly enhance India’s capabilities in space broadcasting communications and meteorological observation. It is also reported that the second test flight of a satellite transmitter developed by India, that is, the geosynchronous orbital launch vehicle “GSLV” will also be conducted in the near future.