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  Celebrity kids always look cute – not only
  because they, in most cases, have inhabited[继承] their parents’ good-looking genes, but because they were born into those households which can afford to spend lots of dollars on outfits that will be grown out of in a couple months or destroyed with food and dirt. But among all these adorable[可爱的] kids, the top tot[小孩]
  and the youngest “It” Girl in Hollywood has always been – at least up till now – Suri Cruise, daughter of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes.
  Suri made her public debut[首次登场] in 2006. At first, people wondered what the baby looked like, and if she resembled[像] her stunning parents. After she landed her first magazine cover with Vanity Fair注1, it didn’t take long for the attention to shift to her stylish taste. Even with all those trendy dresses and shoes, she cries, laughs, runs, jumps, eats apple, gets dirty and always enjoys herself. The Hollywood princess has been featured in countless magazines, with paparazzi[狗仔队] chasing every single new dress, experts debating on her wearing heels, and bloggers teasing her toddling[蹒跚学步]
  around Manhattan with a Starbucks in hand. No wonder Forbes put her at the top of their list of the World’s Most Powerful Tot Under Age Five in 2008 – the two-year-old at that time couldn’t even tie her own shoes!
  The Suri Cruise Effect
  Walk into a shop of any famous brand, and you’re likely to see eager shoppers picking up children
  outfits. Today’s customers are as aware of the image of their kids as they are of their own, and more fashion-forward labels are starting to take a closer look at the
  kindergarten crowd.
  “Kids are more sophisticated[懂得鉴赏的] about fashion now,” says a designer. “Fashion is a major part of how they express themselves. It’s a huge part of their culture, and parents definitely want the very best for their kids.”
  Celebrity kids also boost[推进] the trend. A new survey shows that British parents are spending more than £700 each year on clothes for their children. As a matter of fact, A-list tots, led by the heel- and lipstick-wearing daughter of Tom Cruise, are inspiring parents to purchase chic[时髦的] children’s wear.
  “Us Brits are somewhat famed for keeping up with the Joneses[与邻居攀比],” Debenhams注2 staff commented. “Now it seems that top of the British agenda[议程] where our kids are concerned is keeping up with the Cruises.”
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I know a girl  She puts the color  Inside of my world  But she’s just like a maze[迷宫]  Where all of the walls  Are continually changed  And I’ve done all I can  To stand on her steps  With my heart in
Every Pixar film is an event, just for being Pixar.   At the Visual Effects Society Awards, Pixar Studios president Ed Catmull was honored with the George Melies Award注1. He previewed Pixar’s upcoming
MP3、MP4、手机、掌上游戏机……在快节奏的现代生活中,人们连走路都不能闲下来,不是听歌、打游戏就是打电话、发短信。然而,最近有研究指出,一心多用有可能成为新一代马路杀手——来听听本期的“生活新主张”吧。    We all do it.  Pedestrian A: (on a phone) Hey, how’s it goin’?  Pedestrian B: I walk and talk