In this paper, we used retinoic acid (RA) to study the differentiation of pulmonary giant cell carcinoma high metastasis strain (PLA-801-D). The results showed that the induction of differentiation of PLA-801-D cells after induction. The cell growth curve decreased, the mitotic index decreased, and the doubling time prolonged; the cell volume increased and paved like a brick. Under the electron microscope, the organelles and the silk increased, and the tensile fibrils were found and the cell connection increased. Immunohistochemical staining showed that both cytokeratin and vimentin were positive, suggesting that the tumor cells may be more naive epithelial cells. Oncogene DNA-mRNA dot blot hybridization showed that after the induction of v-src cells, the expression of toxin increased and the expression of N-ras gene decreased. It was confirmed that these two genes may play a role in the malignant transformation of tumors.