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我国去年的治理整顿已初见成效,社会需求、物价上涨等得到明显控制,经济结构有所改善,国民经济正朝着好的方向发展。但是,经济体制不完善、经济结构不合理、经济效益较低等深层次的矛盾并没有得到解决,并且产生了流通不畅、工业生产严重困难、就业压力大等许多新的问题。治理整顿要继续深入,必须在解决深层次矛盾方面取得进展。而要在解决深层次矛盾方面取得进展,从过去几年的经验教训来看,主要依靠行政手段是无能为力的,还必须从法制建设入手,通过法制建设来理顺有关经济运行的各种关系。一、对法制在治理整顿中的作用应有充分认识对于法制在治理整顿中的作用,人们还没有予以充分认识。人们对控制具体的事项如压缩某个基建项目、增多一些税收等很感兴趣,因为这种做法的效果可以很快看到。而对于规范人们的行为,调整普遍的社会关系,有些人(包括许多领导同志)却并不重视。由此产生一种现象,政府竭尽全力查处各种违法行为,而新的违法行为却在不断产生。要消除这种现 The rectification of our country last year has achieved initial success. The social needs and prices have been obviously controlled. The economic structure has been improved. The national economy is now moving in a good direction. However, deep-seated contradictions such as imperfect economic structure, unreasonable economic structure and low economic benefits have not been solved and many new problems have arisen such as poor circulation, serious industrial difficulties and heavy employment pressure. Governance and rectification should continue to be further deepened, and progress must be made in resolving deep-seated conflicts. However, we must make progress in resolving deep-seated conflicts. From the experience and lessons of the past few years, we can not rely mainly on administrative means. We must also start with the construction of the legal system and rationalize the various relations concerning the economic operation through the construction of the legal system. I. The Role of Legal System in the Governance and Reorganization There should be a full understanding of the role of the rule of law in governance and rectification. People have not yet fully realized this. People are interested in controlling specific items such as compressing an infrastructure project, raising some taxes, etc., because the effect of such an approach can be quickly seen. However, some people (including many leading comrades) did not attach importance to regulating people’s behavior and adjusting general social relations. As a result, a phenomenon has arisen in which the government makes every effort to investigate and deal with all kinds of violations, while new offenses are constantly emerging. To eliminate this is now
【正】 司法部第8号令颁布的《民间纠纷处理办法》(以下简称《办法》)为基层人民政府处理民间纠纷提供了依据,对于及时了结民间矛盾、稳定社会秩序具有重大的作用.但《办法》
【正】 违法违纪案件移送制度的基本含义是,国家机关在执行公务过程中,遇到或发现违法违纪行为,属于自己管辖的,则依法依职予以处理;属于其他机关管辖的,则依照一定的程序、
《人民司法》1990年第4期刊登了《对一起不服计量行政管理处罚案的剖析》,笔者认为,该文章的结论有值得商榷之处。 1988年11月,福建省电子产品监督检验所(以下简称电子所)根