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郑振铎是五四时代造就的中国现代文化史上放射出灿烂光辉的巨星。他在文学创作(包括儿童文学创作)、文学社团活动,报刊编辑(包括儿童刊物)、美术、考古、翻译、整理民族文化遗产方面,都有突出的开创性的贡献。著名作家端木蕻良在其《追思》中说:“中国要是有所谓‘百科全书’派的话,那么,西谛(郑振铎)就是最卓越的一个。”本文拟就郑振铎在儿童刊物方面的开拓性贡献做一简略的论述。这一贡献主要体现在他所主持编辑的《儿童世界》的编辑特色上。 《儿童世界》,1922年1月创刊,32开本,周刊。每季1卷13期。商务印书馆出版。“一二八”沪战期间,曾休刊数月。复刊后改为半月刊。1937年,“八一三”沪战休刊。同年十月,在香港复刊,香港沦陷后停刊。第一任主编郑振铎。1923年5卷2期开始由徐庆昶等主编。该刊曾风行海内,并远销新加坡和日本。 笔者通过对《儿童世界》之前的儿童刊物及《儿童世界》本身的考察,得出如下断言:正如说叶圣陶是中国现代创作童话的开山鼻祖一样,郑振铎是中国现代儿童刊物的始创者。也正如说《稻草人》是中国童话史上的一座里程碑一样,《儿童世界》是中国儿童报刊史上的一座高峰。郑振铎先生将其热爱儿童的心性,以及他所持的贴近儿童、努力适应儿童心理年龄特征,使刊物富有时代气息 Zheng Zhenduo was created in the May 4th era of modern Chinese culture in the history of radiating a brilliant star. He has made outstanding pioneering contributions in literary creation (including creation of children’s literature), literary community activities, editorial (including children’s publications), fine arts, archeology, translation and arrangement of national cultural heritage. Well-known writer Duan Mulan said in his “Memorandum,” “If China has a so-called ’encyclopedia’, then Xidi (Zheng Zhenduo) is the most outstanding one.” This article is about Zheng Zhenduo’s pioneering work on children’s publications Contribution to make a brief discussion. This contribution is mainly reflected in the editorial characteristics of “Children’s World” which he presided over. “Children’s World”, founded in January 1922, 32 books, weekly. Quarterly Volume 13. Commercial Press published. During the “128” Shanghai War, it was closed for several months. Reprinted into a semi-monthly magazine. 1937, “August 13” Shanghai war off. In October the same year, resuming in Hong Kong, Hong Kong was suspended after the fall. The first editor Zheng Zhenduo. In 1923, Volume 5, Volume 2 began to be edited by Xu Qingchang. The magazine has been popular at home and exported to Singapore and Japan. By examining the children’s world before Child’s World and the Children’s World itself, I come to the following assertion: Just as saying that Ye Shengtao is the originator of the modern fairy tales in China, Zheng Zhenduo is the founder of the modern Chinese children’s journal. Just as saying that “Scarecrow” is a milestone in the history of Chinese fairy tales, “Children’s World” is a peak in the history of Chinese children’s newspapers and periodicals. Mr. Zheng Zhenduo will be passionate about their children’s heart, as well as his close to the children, and strive to adapt to children’s psychological age characteristics, so that the publication of the rich flavor of the times
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