歼击机从这里起飞 走进中国一航沈阳飞机工业(集团)有限公司

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2006年12月29日下午,新华社播发了一条400多字的消息,向全世界宣布了中国第三代战斗机——“歼10”已经形成战斗力。至此,中国完成了由第二代战斗机向第三代战斗机的跨越。这条消息使得中国为之鼓舞,世界为之动容,毕竟这是中国航空人涉过深水难关的历史明证,自主创新的坚定信念将激励航空人继续高歌猛进。与此同时,在中国的北方,隶属于中国航空工业第一集团公司的沈阳飞机工业(集团)有限公司,也在坚持不懈地以引进、消化、吸收、再创新的模式不断破解着中国战斗机发展过程中的道道难题。 On the afternoon of December 29, 2006, Xinhua News Agency circulated a message of more than 400 words to announce to the world that China’s third-generation fighter aircraft, the “F-10”, has formed its combat effectiveness. At this point, China has completed the leap from the second generation fighter to the third generation fighter. This news has encouraged China and the world has been moved by it. After all, this is a historical proof that China’s aviation people have been involved in deep water and the firm belief in independent innovation will inspire aviation people to continue their triumph. In the meantime, in the north of China, Shenyang Aircraft Industry (Group) Co., Ltd., affiliated to China Aviation Industry No. 1 Group Corporation, is constantly persistently cracking down the development of Chinese fighter planes through the introduction, digestion, absorption and re-innovation Dao difficulty in the process.
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