Effects of Ratio of Row Spacing to lntrarow Spacing on Yield and Nitrogen Accumulation and Utilizati

来源 :农业科学与技术(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:appleqj
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Objective] The aim was to provide a theoretical basis for the rational configuration of ratio of row spacing to intrarow spacing (RS/lS) of double-cropping rice. [Methods] With early rice ‘Ganxin 203’ and ‘Zhongjiazao 17’ and late rice‘Ganxin 688’ and ‘WufengyouT025’ as materials, the effects of RS/lS on yield, ni-trogen accumulation and utilization were studied in the same planting density of 31.20×104 hil s/hm2. [Results] The results showed that yield of early rice was higher in RS/lS2.8 (30.0 cm × 10.7 cm) and RS/lS2.0 (25.0 cm × 12.8 cm) treatment, and low-er in RS/lS5.0 (40.0 cm × 8.0 cm) and RS/lS1.3 (20.0 cm × 16.0 cm) treatment, while late rice were higher in RS/lS5.0 and RS/lS2.0 treatment, and lower in RS/lS2.8 and RS/lS1.3 treatment. Total nitrogen accumulation and apparent utilization ratio of nitro-gen of early rice were higher in RS/lS2.0 treatment and lower in RS/lS5.0 treatment, while, for late rice were higher in RS/lS2.8 treatment and lower in RS/lS5.0 treatment. Nitrogen requirement for 100 kg grain production of early rice was higher in RS/lS1.3 treatment and lower in RS/lS2.0 treatment, while, for late rice were higher in RS/lS2.8 treatment, lower in RS/lS5.0 treatment. [Conclusion] ln sum, 4 varieties of early and late rice obtained higher yield in 25.0 cm × 12.8 cm and lower yield in 20.0 cm × 16.0 cm, and total nitrogen accumulation, nitrogen requirement for 100 kg grain production and apparent utilization ratio of nitrogen were al lower in 40.0 cm × 8.0 cm.
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