Hardwired Logic and Multithread Design in Network Processors

来源 :Tsinghua Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:FANSHENGHUA2009
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High-performance network processors are expected to play an important role in future high-speed routers. This paper focuses on two representative techniques needed for high-performance network processors: hardwired logic design and multithread design. Using hardwired logic, this paper compares a single-thread design with a multithread design, and proposes general models and principles to analyze the clock frequency and the resource cost for these environments. Then, two IP header processing schemes, one in single-thread mode and the other in double-thread mode, are developed using these principles and the implementation results verified the theoretical calculation. High-performance network processors are expected to play an important role in future high-speed routers. This paper focuses on two representative techniques needed for high-performance network processors: hardwired logic design and multithread design. -thread design with a multithread design, and vimatics general models and principles to analyze the clock frequency and the resource cost for these environments. Then, two IP header processing schemes, one in single-thread mode and the other in double-thread mode, are developed using these principles and the implementation results verified the theoretical calculation.
26.工伤事故频率和严重程度是怎样计算的? 答:按国家标准GB6441-86规定,表示某时期内,每百万工时,事故造成伤害的人数称伤害频率。伤害人数指轻伤、重伤、死亡人数之和。计
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