Two ultra-stable novel allotropes of tellurium few-layers

来源 :中国物理B(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lxl
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At least four two-or quasi-one-dimensional allotropes and a mixture of them were theoretically predicted or experimentally observed for low-dimensional Te,namely the α,β,γ,δ,and chiral-α + δ phases.Among them the γ and α phases were found to be the most stable phases for monolayer and thicker layers,respectively.Here,we found two novel low-dimensional phases,namely the ε and ζ phases.The ζ phase is over 29 meV/Te more stable than the most stable monolayer γ phase,and the ε phase shows comparable stability with the most stable monolayer γ phase.The energetic difference between the ζ and α phases reduces with respect to the increased layer thickness and vanishes at the four-layer (12-sublayer) thickness,while this thickness increases under change doping.Both e and ζ phases are metallic chains and layers,respectively.The ζ phase,with very strong interlayer coupling,shows quantum well states in its layer-dependent bandstructures.These results provide significantly insight into the understanding of polytypism in Te few-layers and may boost tremendous studies on properties of various few-layer phases.
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登记编号及时间:1989年(平成元年)9月14日,编号1972号。特性概要:由群马县农试用“藤田二条1号人为突变系统(M4—66)/新田系1杂交选育而成的早熟优质啤酒大麦品种。 Regist