Huashan Rock Painting Telling the Tales of Luoyue Culture

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  More than 2,000 years ago, the Luoyue people created some magnificent pictures on the precipice along the banks of the Zuojiang River. It constitutes the splendid cultural landscape of Zuojiang River and Huashan Rock Painting together with its relying mountains, rivers and platforms, which includes about 105 km of Zuojiang River and Mingjiang River section. After thousands of years, it continuously attracts numerous scholars and tourists at home and abroad to do research as well as visit the magical rock painting left in Chongzuo, Guangxi.
  On both banks of Zuojiang River, there are mountains towering steep without stop, beautiful sceneries, as well as mysterious cliff pictures and suspending coffins of cliff burial, and it is one of the birthplaces of ancient Luoyue nationality that is full of mysteries.
  Landscape of Zuojiang River near the southern border
  Go southward from the capital of Guangxi, Nanning, you would come to the Sino-Vietnam border city — Chongzuo, and in such a mysterious neat and graceful place, there are unique regional advantages, beautiful landscape sceneries, profound national customs, dignified cultural accumulation, and extremely abundant tourism resources. Anyone having been to Chongzuo will be captivated by its beautiful feelings. The whole city is equipped with more than 500 different kinds of tourism resources such as landscape sceneries, human heritages, rare animals, ancient trees, and primitive ecologies, etc., and it is one of the significant tourism destinations in Guangxi. The ecological grand valley rising high to the sky and down to the earth, the extremely skillful magnificent strange stone forests, the world-famous Friendship Pass, the biggest Asian cross-border Detian Waterfall, and the millennium Huashan Rock Painting, etc., all of which could make people feel too excited to be homesick.
  Zuojiang River originates from Vietnam, and converges with the Longzhou Shuikou River after passing through Pingxiang Pinger River, and then passes through Longzhou Lijiang, and converges with Mingjiang River and Blackwater Rush in Ningming, and then passes through Jiangzhou District, Chongzuo and Fusui River section to enter Yongjiang River, and in general it passes through “three counties and one city”, namely Pingxiang City, Longzhou County, Ningming County, Jiangzhou District and Fusui County. On both banks of Zuojiang River, there are mountains towering steep without stop, beautiful sceneries, as well as mysterious cliff pictures and suspending coffins of cliff burial, and it is one of the birthplaces of ancient Luoyue nationality that is full of mysteries.   On July 15, 2016, the cultural landscape of Zuojiang River and Huashan Rock Painting was approved of being listed in the List of World Cultural Heritages in the 40th World Heritage Convention after 13 years of application for world heritage. the cultural landscape of Zuojiang River and Huashan Rock Painting succeeded in the application, and became the 35th world cultural heritage and the 49th world heritage. The heritage area of Huashan Rock Painting listed in the List of World Cultural Heritages is 6,621 hectares, including Ningming County is the first heritage area, Longzhou County is the second heritage area, and Jiangzhou District and Fusui County are the third heritage area.
  The successful application for heritage of the item is not only conducive to guarding such a common cultural wealth of the human beings as Huashan Rock Painting, but also conducive to handing down the Luoyue painting scrolls which remain undestroyed after two thousand years’ weathering from generation to generation.
  The long-drawn-out Luoyue culture
  Situated in southwest Guangxi, Chongzuo in ancient times was one of the original areas inhabited by the Luoyue minority, an important branch of Baiyue ethnic group, from the Shang and Zhou Dynasties (1600 BC-256 BC) to the Qin and Han Dynasties (221 BC-220 AD). During the Qin Dynasty (221 BC-207 BC), Chongzuo was under the jurisdiction of Xiang Prefecture.
  Chongzuo once was a place for the Luoyue ancestors to make hunting, tillage and reproduction. With abundant sunshine, rainfall, little frost and snowfall, it provides ideal conditions for the remarkable member of the grass family -- rice. As far as the eye can see, Chongzuo’s paddy field is one of the most amazing engineering feats of the preindustrial China. For thousands of years, Luoyue people were farming ethnic, and it seems that every square inch of this land had been developed into cultivation by Luoyue people. Actually, the rice-farming culture of Luoyue people is an adaptation to the geographical conditions of the mountainous areas in Chongzuo, and also a connection with the traditional conventions of a minority group. They developed a remarkable rice-farming culture, a rather complete farming system and plentiful experience in irrigation. The long history of rice farming in Chongzuo and their food structure with rice as the staple food determine that their catering habits have impenetrated in people’s daily life, weddings, funerals and festivals. Now farming is a major occupation of the local villagers.   During the Qing Dynasty (1616-1912), with the emigration of the Han people, the Zhuang people scattered and continued to develop in Guangxi and the neighboring countries. Nowadays, this is a tourism cooperation area for friendly exchange and common development of the Chinese and Vietnamese. Also, there are close historical and ethnic links between Luoyue people and Zhuang people for Chongzuo was regarded as one of the earliest centers of Zhuang culture. Probably, Zhuang people are the descendants of the Luoyue people. Since the ancient times, Luoyue people believed in the propagation, totem and their ancestors, developing numerous kinds of beliefs. Nowadays, sacrifice activities are usually held in Chongzuo to pray for heavenly blessing. By virtue of rich culture left by the Luoyue people, Zhuang people now are skilled at beautiful handicrafts: Embroideries, batiks, paper cuts and woodcarvings. In addition, there are a house of colorful oral literature and art, including poetry, legends, fairy tales and fables, enjoying a great reputation at home and abroad. “Huashan” is the Chinese translation of the “Ba Lai” in Zhuang language, including the “Ba” means mountain, while “Lai” means dense pits, and the name is gained due to that the auburn images painted on the grey yellow cliffs take on flecky red pits.
  Rock painting remaining intact through a millennium
  Huashan Rock Painting is the representative of the rock painting group in Zuojiang River basin, as well as a rock painting of the maximum single volume, richest contents and best preservation as discovered in China up to now. The Rock Painting located on the west bank of Mingjiang River in Yaoda Village, Chengzhong Town, Ningming County has had a history of 1,800-2,500 years up to now, and by virtue of its large scale, grand spectacle and numerous images, it becomes a typical representative of rock paintings of Zuojiang River basin in Guangxi.
  Rock paintings are painted on cliffs beside the river, and there will be a natural sense of shock if looking far on the boats. Exposing to the landscape of green sky and earth, you could see that the cliffs standing beside the surging river water are covered by auburn portraits of the front side and portraits of the sideways, animals, birds, weapons and ritual and musical instruments and other images created by flat-coating silhouette method.
  The basic form of the portraits of the front side on the rock paintings is: Both arms stretch flat to both sides, and hold upward by flexing the elbows; both legs squat flat, and keep downward by bending the knees. The forms of the body are mostly inverted triangles with the upper part being big and the lower part being small, and sometimes they are columns with equal width in both the upper part and the lower part. Most of them wear no ornaments around their waists, and a few of them wear knife, sword and other weapons. The body of portraits of sideways is smaller than that of portraits of the front side, and they face towards left or right, with the hands and feet stretching to the same side of the body. They squat or stand, and most of them hold their hands upward by flexing the elbows, while some have the hands stretching upward straightly in an inclining way, and most of the palms have no visible fingers; some of them have their head, neck and body in a straight line, while some are in different thicknesses.   Generally speaking, as for whether the portraits of front side or the portraits of the sideways, their forms are highly stylized. The height of the images is two to three meters, and after all, there are not so many rock paintings at the height exceeding 1 m both at home and abroad. Among the densely connected images, there are also overlapping images. Standing in front of the rock painting, you will feel like entering into a far ancient society, enjoying happiness and gratefulness with them, and already forgetting to return.
  Great miracles originating from religious consciousness
  Under the direct sunlight, the auburn of the rock paintings becomes slightly dim, but is still clear and distinguishable. Why should the color of the rock paintings having exposed to the weathering environment for more than 2,000 years disappear? Research has discovered that, this is because that the paint pigments are mainly made of hematite mixed with animal blood or hide glue, while animal glue as adhesive could make the iron mineral pigments attached to the cliffs firmly.
  The rock paintings are mostly concentrated on middle and lower parts of the cliffs, and the peak is generally dozens of meters high above the water level. How did the Luoyue people get close to the cliffs to make the painting? Toward this there are many assumptions in the academic field. For example, some people think that direct shelf method could be applied in low painting places. While some believe that, the bottom-up climbing method may be applied. And some even think that, the Luoyue people could make the painting through hanging climbing from the cliff top to the bottom with ropes or rattans as auxiliary means. Another possibility is high water level floating method. At the time of flash flood and river water increase, people went to make direct painting by boats or kayaks making use of the high water level.
  Being strong, solemn and respectful, a mysterious breath disperses among the Zuojiang River Rock Paintings. Under the extremely difficult and dangerous painting conditions, what is the significance of such highly stylized rock paintings created by the Luoyue people spending hundreds of years? It is generally acknowledged that, the painting of the Zuojiang River Rock Paintings was greatly driven by the primitive religious consciousness. Other scholars think that, what is painted on the Zuojiang River Rock Paintings is a group dancing scene of the Luoyue people imitating the frogs’ movements, and it is a representation of the frog worship for the purpose of praying for rain in rice-farming culture. There is no conclusion yet for the content of the painting up to now. Those who have ever been to Huashan, not only highly praised its magnificence, but also were surprised at its mysteriousness.
  Whenever you take a floating bamboo raft on the misty Mingjiang River, or catch a sight of the Huashan Rock Painting in Huashan, you are in Chongzuo where the Luoyue culture was well inherited. Listening to the thunders in the silence, it contains abundant information of early history of the Luoyue ancestors, which is quite precious.
开一扇窗,望一片天,  房子是房子,世界是世界。  夕阳,明黄色的墙体,  百叶窗,长街道,小寺庙,  不经意间,窥见,高棉的法国风情。  暹粒的热闹繁华,马德望是没法比的。事实上,马德望在中国游客中并不出名,但在西方国家非常有名气,吸引了大批的西方游客前来。《孤独星球》形容其为“具有浓郁法式殖民地风情的宁静河畔小城”。这里拥有柬埔寨法国殖民时期保存最完好的精美建筑,泰式庙宇分布于小城各处,大城市
要说什么样的旅行方式最能打动自己,我想应该是大自然带给人的震撼,在大城市游走,可以尽享人类丰硕的文明成果;而在大自然冒险,是关于内心和自我认知的探索。  瓜拉雪兰莪是距离吉隆坡约一小时车程的渔村,这里的房屋比较老旧,民风非常淳朴,每家每户几乎都铺晾着晒太阳的鱼干,让人感受到浓浓的南洋风情。因为靠海,这里的海鲜既新鲜又便宜,一定不能错过享受一顿海鲜大餐。除此之外,瓜拉雪兰莪还是一个拥有丰富自然资源的
虽然马德望是柬埔寨的第二大城市,但很多人对其还是少有所闻。相比暹粒,来马德望的旅行者少之又少。那些专程前来的人,大都是为了坐一坐马德望的竹火车。  说到马德望的竹火车,还得从柬埔寨的铁路系统说起。  柬埔寨的铁路系统始于20世纪30年代,为的是能让货物在法属印度支那地區相对顺畅地流动。柬埔寨的稻米收割季节正好是干季,这意味着河湖的水位下降,船只很难将收获的稻米大规模运往其他地方。于是法国人修建了铁
说到西双版纳,几乎是无人不晓的。那清凉悠扬的“月光下的凤尾竹”,盛况空前的泼水节,有着1400多年历史的曼春满佛寺,闻名遐迩让人神往的热带雨林,以及雨林中亚洲象的神秘栖息地……这些都是人们提到西双版纳时,马上浮现的对于这片土地的认识标签。  其实,作为西双版纳州的州府——景洪市,承载了许多人们对版纳的美好认知。这座与缅甸接壤,与老挝、泰国相邻的中国边境口岸城市,是北回归线上的迷人绿洲,有着所有热带
大约十几年前,偶尔会接到朋友从泰国打来的电话,凡是做企业当老板的一般都在芭提雅,文艺青年都在清迈。这些喝高后拨出的电话,最后总要提到,这个地方你们搞写作的,真的要来一趟。然后就没有下文了。直到年假,想不好去哪儿,有朋友说就去泰国吧,那儿刚实行落地签。  其实提议的朋友是抱有私心的,她有愿要还。在机场她告知此事时,大家都说要的,天上有神灵看着呢,为人处事得说话算话。这个事情马上提至泰国之行最重要的位
糖棕树作为柬埔寨的国树,不仅是街头巷尾的风景,还是当地人的“衣食父母”,因为它全身是宝。  在热带国家柬埔寨的旅游景点、街边巷口,总会看到小贩售卖的一种扁圆的、亮晶晶、水汪汪、晶莹剔透的水果,十分诱人,咬一口,不是很甜,但汁水丰富,柔滑爽口,这是雌糖棕树的果肉。成熟的糖棕果大小跟椰子差不多,紧密地成串生长,像长在树上的大圆茄子,果肉可以直接食用或拿来做甜点。  景区的纪念品店里都会有成块的用棕榈叶
马戏一词在中国,初见于汉代桓宽的《盐铁论·散不足》:“戏弄蒲人杂妇,百兽马戏斗虎。”专指驯马和马上技艺。发展至今,马戏与杂技的界限越来越模糊,常常在马戏团能够看到跳火圈、吊钢丝、射飞镖、空中飞人和黑暗魔术等一系列非常人能够学会的技艺,填满视线里的每一个角落缺口,观众则在金属的碰撞声和口哨声中不住讶异、赞叹、惊呼。  但在柬埔寨马德望,法尔马戏团却致力于将另一种形式的马戏呈献给天南海北的观众,没有训
香港,是张爱玲笔下华丽摩登的悲情之城,也是王家卫电影里纸醉金迷的梦幻之城。而现实中的香港,还是一座被高耸入云的钢筋水泥包围得透不进光、被熙熙攘攘的人群挤得喘不过气的建筑森林。  香港是世界上人口密度排名第四的地区,约1100平方公里的土地上,生活着近740万人口。寸土寸金的香港,房价高到让绝大多数人无法企及,并且人均居住面积非常小。不仅买不了房,租也很困难。  公共屋邨[cūn]是香港最有特色的建
6月28~7月2日,中国文化和旅游部陆续组织1100多名自费游客赴柬埔寨参与“庆祝中柬建交60周年——千名中国友好使者访问神奇王国柬埔寨”活动。为迎接一众友好使者,柬方在机场举行欢迎仪式,安排使者免费参观吴哥古迹公园。  今年前4個月,柬埔寨接待中国游客74.7万人次,同比增长79.4%。柬埔寨旅游大臣童昆表示将进一步改善接待中国游客的软硬件设施,包括提供签证便利、增加中文标识、对机场工作人员进行
7月5日下午,两艘共载有133名游客的游船在普吉岛附近海域遭遇特大暴风雨而倾覆。两艘船共有122名中国游客,其中“凤凰”号上87名中国游客中有40人获救、47人遇难,而另一艘游船“艾莎公主”号上的游客全部获救。  事故发生后,泰国海军、水警、旅游警察等部门连同民间团体派出800多人参与搜救,多艘救援船和直升机24小时搜救。此外,泰國华侨华人组织了数百人的志愿者队伍,设立救助点,为家属与伤者提供包括