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三言两语:近日电视屏幕上,常会出现党和国家领导人分赴大江南北,实地考察,深入调查研究的报道,这是八届人大及政协会后的新动向,不仅体现了新一届领导干实事的行动,也说明国家治理需要调查研究。其实各行各业要想干好工作,要想摸清改革潮的走向,要想找准本行业振兴的关键,都需要深入的调查研究。以往档案工作中的一些规章、标准、办法不符合实际,是否也缘于缺少调查研究?提倡调查研究,并非劝大家天南地北地跑。这里登出的湘潭市档案局及周长岱同志的两篇文章,都是在详细、深入了解本地区某一方面的情况后写出的,读起来是很有启发的。不是讲转变职能吗?请从调查研究开始。 In a few words: In recent days, there have been reports on the TV screen that the leaders of the party and the state went to the north and south of the major rivers to conduct site visits and conduct in-depth investigations and studies. This is a new trend after the NPC and CPPCC. It not only reflects the new leading cadres Action also shows that state governance needs research. In fact, all trades and industries want to do a good job, in order to find out the trend of the reform trend, in order to find the key to rejuvenating the industry, we need in-depth investigation and study. In the past, some regulations, standards and measures in archives work were not in conformity with actual conditions. Is it due to the lack of investigation and research? To promote investigation and study is not to urge you to go all out. The two articles published here by Comrades Xiangtan City Archives and Comrade Zhou Changdai are all inspired by a detailed and in-depth understanding of certain aspects of the region after reading them. Is not to say change the function? Please start from the investigation and study.
本刊讯由中国档案学会、河南省档案学会联合主办的’93郑州档案保护暨现代办公设备展示会于4月15日至19日在郑州举行。来自全国的60多个参展单位拿出高技 The newsletter b
本刊讯 1993年4月,国家档案局档案干部教育中心在京举办了中心成立五周年座谈会暨档案教育与培训研讨会。国家档案局、中央档案馆、中国人民大学档案学院、在京其他有关单位
一等奖人员外流现象透视刘李波(第2期) 企业破“三铁”我们怎么办肖正德许建华(第6期) “千文架阁法”非“千丈架阁法”王金玉王英成(第7期) The First Outstanding Person
乡镇档案是否应该接收进馆?笔者的意见是:永久档案可以进馆,长期档案不该进馆.其理由: 一是从档案利用角度看,档案信息的开发利用,要服从于、优先于利用者,满足利用者的需求.