磁性剪纸 拓出大市场

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触类旁通:用磁性软体材料做剪纸自2003起,马玉英经营着一家软体磁性教具公司,书写板、英文字母、数字等软体磁性教具很受中小学师生的欢迎,销量一直不错。2004年6月,一则消息引起了马玉英的注意——中国传统剪纸被列为世界非物质文化遗产。触类旁通,她突发奇想:用自己熟悉的软体磁性材料做剪纸,岂不更有利于剪纸文化的传播? Touch by class: paper-cut with magnetic soft materials Since 2003, Ma Yuying operates a software magnetic teaching aids company, writing board, English letters, numbers and other software magnetic teaching aids popular with primary and secondary school teachers and students, sales have been good. In June 2004, a piece of news caught the attention of Ma Yuying - China’s traditional paper-cut was listed as the world’s intangible cultural heritage. Touch by analogy, she suddenly whim: with their own familiar software magnetic paper-cut, would not it be more conducive to the dissemination of paper-cut culture?
James Bond 是当代小说中最受大家崇拜的英雄之一。但谁是真正的 James Bond 呢?作者 Ian Fleming 是否根据现实生活中一个真实的人塑造出这一人物的呢? James Bond is one
Last year,a group of South African researchers claimedto have brought a frozen rat’s heart back to life.Theirdiscovery gave new hope to the cryonics movement,
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亲爱的读者: 你们好!最近有一位读者来信说,有这样一个句子: (1)She had not been married many weeks when that man’s youngerbrother saw her and was struck by her be
The superplasticity of Ti-6Al-4V butt-welded plates by laser beam welding(LBW)was studied in virtue of hot tensile tests and superplastic bulging tests.Furtherm
galore[g′l:]a.(in)plenty(LM);abundant,plentiful(used postpositively)(WN-NCD)In Kedah state,traditionally one of Malaysia’s poorest,there arenow jobs galore.