Effects of recombinant human growth hormone on rat septic shock with intraabdominal infection by E.c

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:abuqifuni
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AIM:To investigate the therapeutic effects of recombinanthuman growth hormone(rhGH)on rat septic shock withintraabdominal infection by E.coli and its possible mechanism.METHODS:76 SD rats were divided into 3 groups randomly:control group(group C,n=16)without any special treatment,septic shock group(group S,n=30)received bolus injectionof E.coli(1×10~(10)cfu·L~(-1),15 ml·kg~(-1),ip),treated group(groupT,n=30)received bolus injection of E.coli;and then followedby rhGH injection(2.25 U·kg~(-1)·d~(-1),im).Group S and group Twere further divided into 1d and 3d subgroups,respectively(n=15 each).Mean arterial pressure(MAP),levels of plasmaTNFα and endotoxin and leukocyte count were determinedon Ist day and 3rd day after E.coli injection.Another 39 SDrats were divided into groups C,S and T(n=13 each)justfor observing survival rate within 1 week.RESULTS:(1)On 1st and 3rd day,MAP in group S decreasedmarkedly,and MAP on 1st day lowered more than that of3rd day(P<0.01),while MAP in group T just decreasedslightly.The survival rate within 1 week was much higher ingroup T(84.6 %)than in group S(46.2 %)(P<0.01).(2)On1st day,plasma TNFα and endotoxin elevated significantlyin group S and group T(P<0.05),and endotoxin in group Shad more increase(P<0.01).On 3rd day,TNFα in group Sreturned to the level of group C(P>0.05),while TNFα ingroup T went down below the level of group C(P<0.01).On3rd day,endotoxin in group S declined,but was still higherthan that of group C(P<0.01),endotoxin in group T returnedto the level of group C(P>0.05).(3)On 1st day,neutrophilratio in total leukocyte count in both group S and group Tincreased significantly(P<0.05 vs group C).CONCLUSION:rhGH showed beneficial effects on rat septicshock.The possible mechanisms may involve the attenuationof bacteria/endotoxin translocation and decreased systemic endotoxin level;inhibition of the production and release ofTNFα;improved circulatory function;improved systemic hostdefenses and maintenance of intestinal mucosa barrier. AIM: To investigate the therapeutic effects of recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) on rat septic shock with inravastatin by E. coli and its possible mechanism. METHODS: 76 SD rats were divided into 3 groups randomly: control group (group C, n = 16 (group S, n = 30) received bolus injection of E.coli (1 × 10 ~ (10) cfu · L -1, 15 ml · kg -1, ip), treated group (group T, n = 30) received bolus injection of E. coli; and then followed by rhGH injection (2.25 U · kg -1 d -1, im). Group S and group Mier arterial pressure (MAP), levels of plasma TNFα and endotoxin and leukocyte count were determined on Ist day and 3rd day after E. coli injection. Another 39 SDrats were divided into Groups C, S and T (n = 13 each) just for observing survival rate within 1 week .RESULTS: (1) On 1st and 3rd day, MAP in group S decreasedmarkedly, and MAP on 1st day lowered more than that of3rd day ( P <0.01) while MAP in group T j (2) On1st day, plasma TNFα and endotoxin elevated significantly in group S and group T (84.6%) than in group S (46.2%) (P <0.01) (P <0.01) .On 3rd day, TNFαin group Sreturned to the level of group C (P> 0.05), while TNFαin group T went down below the level of group C (P <0.01) .On3rd day, endotoxin in group S declined, but was still higherthan that of group C (P <0.01), endotoxin in group T returned to the level of group C day, neutrophil ratio in total leukocyte count in both group S and group Tincreased significantly (P <0.05 vs group C) .CONCLUSION: rhGH showed beneficial effects on rat septicshock. The possible mechanisms may involve the attenuationof bacteria / endotoxin translocation and decreased systemic endotoxin level ; inhibition of the production and release of TNFα; improved circulatory function; improved systemic hostdefenses and maintenance of intestinal m ucosa barrier.
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