Simulation of the screening process on a circularly vibrating screen using 3D-DEM

来源 :Mining Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:alonsoyl
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A numerical study of the motion particulates follow along a circularly vibrating screen deck was done using the three dimensional Discrete Element Method (DEM). The motion of the particles was analyzed. The effects of vibration amplitude, throwing index, and screen deck inclination angle on the screening process are discussed. The results show that the average velocity of the particles increases along the lon- gitudinal direction of the deck. The screening efficiency is highest when the vibration amplitude, throw- ing index, and screen deck inclination angle are 3-3.5 mm, 2.7 and 15°, respectively. This work is helpful for developing a deep understanding of particle motion and for optimizing screen separator designs. A numerical study of the motion particulates following along a circularly vibrating screen deck was done using the three dimensional Discrete Element Method (DEM). The motion of the particles was analyzed. The effects of vibration amplitude, throwing index, and screen deck inclination angle on the screening process are discussed. The results show that the average velocity of the particles increases along the lon- gitudinal direction of the deck. The screening efficiency is highest when the vibration amplitude, throw- ing index, and screen deck inclination angles are 3- 3.5 mm, 2.7 and 15 °, respectively. This work is helpful for developing a deep understanding of particle motion and for optimizing screen separator designs.
目前学术界的研究主要针对林徽因的诗歌和小说,而对于其散文的研究往往也只是侧重于其中的艺术散文或者在讨论林徽因文学作品时涉及到林徽因的散文。  本文从广义散文的角度
该文提出了一种综合Mean Shift算法和灰度模板匹配的主动跟踪算法。该算法利用灰度模板匹配与运动目标在图像的位置无关的特点,在视角和焦距发生变化后用灰度模板进行穷尽搜索,再用匹配结果更新Mean Shift搜索窗口,解决了Mean Shift算法要已知目标区域才能正确跟踪的问题。该算法能在视角和焦距发生变化的情况下能正确的跟踪运动目标并能使被跟踪的运动目标始终保持在图像的中心区域。实验表明,该