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目的观察β受体阻滞剂对慢性充血性心力衰竭的治疗作用。方法30例慢性充血性心力衰竭患者在常规应用利尿剂、洋地黄和血管扩张剂的基础上,应用琥珀酸倍他乐克缓释片进行治疗,对比观察治疗前后的心率、血压、心脏功能和预后。结果证明倍他乐克治疗慢性心衰能显著提高心脏功能,减慢心率,降低心脏负荷。结论应用β阻滞剂能显蓍地改善慢性充血性心力衰竭患者的心脏功能。 Objective To observe the therapeutic effect of β-blocker on chronic congestive heart failure. Methods Thirty patients with chronic congestive heart failure were treated with metoprolol succinate and sustained release tablets on the basis of conventional diuretics, digitalis and vasodilators. The changes of heart rate, blood pressure, heart function, Prognosis. The results show that Betaloc can improve heart function, slow down the heart rate and reduce the heart load. Conclusion The application of β-blocker can significantly improve the heart function in patients with chronic congestive heart failure.
Background Surgical resection is the most effective treatment for renal cell carcinoma (RCC).Currently several prognostic factors and models are used for outcom
目的探讨双源64层螺旋CT(64-slice multislice computed tomography,MSCT)成像应用于冠脉介入术后随访、冠状动脉评价的价值。方法选择PCI术后需要影象学随访或疑诊再狭窄者,
目的 寻找更合理的腹股沟无张力疝修补术的麻醉方法.方法 2003 年5 月至2008年5 月,采用人工合成材料行腹股沟无张力疝修补手术120 例,随机分两组,60 例采用局部神经阻滞麻醉