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笔者是档案部门的一名执法监督检查员,读了《湖南档案》1994年第2期刊登的黄清和同志关于《档案执法亟需配套规章》一文后,颇有同感。以前档案工作是无法可依,现在是有法难依。笔者在近两年来的执法实践中,遇到了不少无法解决的问题。如对违反《档案法》的责任单位或责任人进行查处时,从《档案法》和《实施办法》中均找不到具体可行的处罚标准。处以经济赔偿,无法确定价值和数量;处以罚款,只能由工商行政机关实施;给行政处分,只有建议权。名曰查处,实际是只能查,不能处。经常弄得我们执法人员无所适从,最后,只好不了了之。长此下去,《档案法》的法律效力将会削弱,档案执法也将难以继续开 The author is an archivist department law enforcement supervision inspectors, read the “Hunan Files” published in 1994 No. 2 and Huang Qing comrades on the “Archives law enforcement needs supporting regulations,” a text, quite the same feeling. Previous archives work can not be done, and now there is a legal basis. The author in the past two years of law enforcement practice, encountered a lot of problems can not be solved. When investigating the responsible unit or responsible person who violated the “Archives Law”, it is impossible to find a concrete and feasible standard of punishment from the “Archives Law” and the “Implementation Measures”. Impose financial compensation, unable to determine the value and quantity; impose a fine, only by the administrative department for industry and commerce; to administrative sanctions, only the right to advice. Name investigation, the actual can only check, can not be at. Often confused by law enforcement officers at a loss, in the end, had no alternative. In the long run, the legal effect of the “Archives Law” will be weakened and the enforcement of archives will be hard to continue
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原商业部商科院误销档案案本栏责任编辑 吴红案由1987年底至1988年初,原商业部商科院行政处干部谢××,在临时负责本院办公室工作期间,为了给新购进的复印机设备及复印用墨粉、复印纸腾