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周家祥同志长期从事党务工作和纪检监察工作,不仅自身党性强,觉悟高,清正廉洁,而且还带出一支金融纪检的先进队伍,同志们亲切称他为金融“老纪检”。提起周家祥同志,他可是金融“老纪检”了,33年党龄造就了他强烈的事业心和责任感,他以自己人格的魅力和对党的一腔忠诚用实际行动书写在工作中。无论是在部队,还是在人民银行工作,都有不凡的业绩。多次受到嘉奖,先后被中共云南省委组织部、中共云南省级国家机关工委评为优秀共产党员、优秀党务工作者,省分竹先进工作者。他所在纪检监察特派办连续三年被上 Comrade Zhou Jiaxiang has long been engaged in party work and discipline inspection and supervision. He not only has strong party spirit, high awareness, integrity and integrity, but also brings out a contingent of leading cadres in financial discipline inspection. Comrades called him “financial discipline”. When Comrade Zhou Jiaxiang was mentioned, he was a “financial discipline”. His 33-year party created his strong sense of professionalism and responsibility. He wrote in his work with his personal charisma and his loyalty to the party. Whether in the army, or in the People’s Bank, have extraordinary performance. Repeatedly received awards, has been the CPC Yunnan Provincial Organization Department, the CPC Yunnan Provincial State-level work committee as outstanding Communist Party members, outstanding party workers, provincial bamboo advanced workers. His discipline inspection and supervision special office was put on for three consecutive years
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