
来源 :陕西戏剧 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunhuai
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本刊讯为了繁荣戏剧创作,迎接建国三十周年,我省将于九月中句在西安举行陕西省庆祝建国三十周年献礼演出。目前,献礼演出办公室正在积极进行组织筹备工作。这次献礼演出,是粉碎“四人帮”以来,我省第一次社会主义文艺创作的大检阅,大交流,大比赛。通过献礼演出,将进一步总结我省贯彻执行党的文艺路线、方针和政策的成果;了解戏剧艺术工作着重点转移的情况;检阅粉碎“四人帮”以来戏团创作的成就;交流剧目创作和艺术实践的经验;推荐优秀作品,扩大上演节目;解放思想,发扬艺术民主,解决好戏剧艺术工作为实现四个现代化服务的问题。 In order to prosper drama creation and greet the thirtieth anniversary of the founding of our nation, our province will hold a ceremony in honor of the 30th anniversary of the founding of People’s Republic of China in Xi’an in September. At present, the performance performance office is actively organizing the preparatory work. This tribute performance is the first major review, exchange and contest of socialist literary and artistic creation in our province since the smashing of the “gang of four.” Through the performance of glorification, we will further summarize the achievements of our province in implementing and implementing the party’s line of literature and art, principles and policies, understand the shift of the focus of drama and art work, review the achievements made by the troupe since the smashing of the “gang of four”, and exchange the repertory and artistic practice ; Recommend excellent works and expand the program; emancipate the mind, carry forward the art democracy and solve the dramatic art work for the realization of the four modern services.
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