交际用语 专讲专练

来源 :考试(高考英语版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zippomu
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语言交际是语言学习的重要目的之一,因此,高考中英语交际用语试题是对考生英语应用能力的综合考查。一方面,要求考生正确理解英语语句的功能以及它的使用场合;另一方面,要求考生能正确理解和判断交际语境,从而作出正确的反应。下面就2005 年高考英语交际用语试题进行分析;同时帮助考生把握2006年高考英语交际用语试题的命题方向,提高高考中做交际用语试题的命中率。一、2005年高考交际用语试题分析对交际用语的考查是2005年高考英语试题单选题中的一个亮点。全国高考试题共16套,除了上海卷没有考查交际用语外,其余15套试题共有交际用 Language communication is one of the important goals of language learning. Therefore, the test of English communication in college entrance examination is a comprehensive examination of candidates’ English application ability. On the one hand, candidates are required to correctly understand the function of the English sentence and its use of the occasion; on the other hand, candidates are required to correctly understand and judge the communication context in order to make a correct response. In the following, we will analyze the questions in the 2005 college entrance examination English communicative terms; at the same time, they will help candidates grasp the direction of the propositions of the 2006 college entrance examination English Communicative Proficiency Test, and increase the hit rate of the communicative phrases in the college entrance examination. First, the 2005 college entrance examination communicative test questions analysis of the communicative language test is a bright spot in the 2005 college entrance examination English test questions. There are altogether 16 sets of national examination questions, except for the Shanghai volume that has not examined the communicative terms, and the remaining 15 sets of questions have been used for communication.
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