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扁平足是指足弓减低或塌陷,脚心逐渐变成扁平的足病。它能影响足部的支撑作用,并可因足底的血管和神经受到挤压使脚部肿胀、疼痛,甚至小腿前面肌肉发生痉挛,是对足部功能妨碍较大的一种足部发育异常。此病在我国人群中的发生率较高,且多发生在青少年时期。有关部门调查了60所学校的5万多学生,扁平足发生率竟达10%。这是一个关系到全民素质的大问题,且影响着青少年的身体发育。扁平足的发生一般从小学四年级开始。青少年中超体重者增加,体育锻炼不足,劳动中的一些方法不适当是造成扁平足的主要原因。故而控制发胖,多参加体育锻炼,减轻劳动负重,减少站立时间,是预防扁平足的主要措施。已发生扁平足的,治疗越早效果越好。15岁以下的少年儿童穿用一双病理鞋即可得到矫正。此种病理鞋一般康复机构(如假肢工厂)都能制作,穿病理鞋是一种简便经济的方法。年龄稍大一些的患者在穿病理鞋的同时再加强足部锻炼。如拣豆,即用脚趾把撒在地上的豆粒拣起,一日两次,每次拣20到50粒;滚圆木,赤脚用脚底滚 Flatfoot refers to the arch to reduce or collapse, soles gradually become flat podiatry. It can affect the supporting role of the foot, and can be squeezed due to the blood vessels and nerves of the foot swelling of the feet, pain, and even muscle spasm in front of the lower leg, foot dysfunction is a greater impediment to foot dysfunction . The incidence of this disease in our population is high, and occurs in adolescence. Authorities surveyed more than 50,000 students in 60 schools, with flat-foot incidence as high as 10%. This is a major issue that affects the quality of the general public and affects the physical development of adolescents. Flatfoot usually occurs from the fourth grade in primary school. Adolescents in the increase of overweight, physical exercise is not enough, some of the methods of labor inappropriate is the main reason for flat feet. Therefore, controlling obesity, participating more in physical exercise, reducing work load and reducing standing time are the main measures to prevent flat feet. Flat foot has occurred, the sooner the better treatment. Children under the age of 15 wearing a pair of pathological shoes can be corrected. Such pathological shoes general rehabilitation institutions (such as artificial limb factory) can produce, wear pathological shoes is a simple and economical method. Older patients wear the pathological shoes while strengthening the foot exercise. Such as picking beans, that is, with the toes sprinkled on the ground pickled beans, twice a day, each picking 20 to 50; Rolling wood, barefoot with the soles of the feet
人家谈合同,通常首先谈的就是多少钱能签,但我谈合同总是谈项目,了解发展商的实力,综合考虑各方面因素才决定取舍,急得人家老是追问:“黎总,你们到底多少钱才接啊?” People
连云港墟沟港区顺岸的桩基码头1、2平台在施工期出现了向海侧的位移。本文论述了采用常规的光学视准线法观察,其精度难以控制,观测数据缺少可靠性,故对监测工作提出改进意见。 Th