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遗传学中致死问题的分析是对基因分离定律知识的综合应用,对学生的能力要求较高。《中学生物教学》第8期上刊登了《质疑一道高频出现的错题》,指出了该刊2010年第3期上刊登的《特殊情况下基因型频率或基因频率的求解》一文中例题3的错误解法和答案,并提出了新的解法和答案。笔者认为此题仍有商酌之处,现提出拙见,望专家和同行斧正。原题老鼠的皮毛黄色(A)对灰色(a)为显性。有一位遗传学家,在 The analysis of lethal problems in genetics is a comprehensive application of the knowledge of law of gene separation, which has a high demand on students’ abilities. The eighth issue of “Biology Teaching for Middle Schools” published “Questioning the Wrong Question Appearing in a High Frequency” and pointed out the examples in the article “Solving genotype frequency or gene frequency in special circumstances” published in the third issue of 2010 3 wrong solutions and answers, and put forward new solutions and answers. I think this question is still discretion, now humble opinion, hope experts and colleagues are positive. The original mouse fur yellow (A) gray (a) dominant. There is a geneticist, at
在 2021 中国国际纺织纱线 ( 春夏 ) 展览会上,通用新材所属中纺院绿色纤维股份公司 ( 简称“中纺绿纤”) 携绿纤竹 ?、绿纤 ? 优赛尔、绿纤 ? 长丝再次惊艳亮相,全方位布局
我们曾用进口的 α-2b干扰素配合中成药红宝胶囊治疗1例早期肝硬化患者,收到满意的效果,现报导如下。 患者 女性,48岁,家庭妇女,因右上腹不适10多年,双下肢浮肿2个月,在当地
The paper shows the development of Nb-bearing steels in China in 11th five-year period. The output of Nb-bearing steels was more than 40 million tons by the end
3 月 17—19 日,杭州高烯科技有限公司携多款石墨烯纤维产品亮相 2021 中国国际纺织纱线(春夏)展览会,并举办了一场“烯美天下——第四代康护纤维”主题发布会,受到业内人士
Automobile industry tries to reduce the weight of automobile using high-strength steels.However,the high-strength steels are highly susceptible to delayed-fract
2010 年 8 月,中国莱赛尔长丝纤维项目立项启动,时至今日已走过十年艰辛研发之路.十年来,项目组从研发单个位试验生产线到建设年产 100 吨莱赛尔长丝连续化生产线,直接合作伙
3 月 17 日,由中国棉纺织行业协会发起,天虹纺织集团有限公司、黑牡丹 ( 集团 ) 股份有限公司、广东前进牛仔布有限公司、浙江鑫兰纺织有限公司联合打造的牛仔发布秀在 2021