Dark-field detection method of shallow scratches on the super-smooth optical surface based on the te

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kenching
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There exist some shallow scratch defects on the super-smooth optical surface. Their detection has a low efficiency with the existing technologies. So a new detection method, dark-field detection of adaptive smoothing and morphological differencing(DFD-ASMD), is proposed. On one hand, the information of shallow scratches can be kept in dark-field images. On the other hand, their weak characteristics can be separated and protected from being overly reduced during the elimination of noise and background in the image. Experiments show the detection rate of shallow scratches is around 82%, and DFD-ASMD can lay a foundation for quality control of defects on the high-quality optical surface. Their detection has a low efficiency with the existing technologies. So a new detection method, dark-field detection of adaptive smoothing and morphological differencing (DFD-ASMD), is proposed. On the hand, the information of shallow scratches can be kept in dark-field images. On the other hand, their weak characteristics can be separated and protected from being overly reduced during the elimination of noise and background in the image. Experiments show the detection rate of shallow scratches is around 82%, and DFD-ASMD can lay a foundation for quality control of defects on the high-quality optical surface.
接触过民进中央委员、民进上海市委会专职副主委许政涛的人,或许都有同样的感受,比起一般党派专职干部,他更像一位儒雅的学者。这印象,或许能从许政涛曾总结自己走过的人生经历里寻找出答案:无论是在黑龙江下乡、在静安区任职,还是走进民主党派工作,他说“在任何岗位,我从事的工作都与科研、课题有关”。  2013年年底,许政涛和民进上海市委会便又接手了一个新的“课题”——开展一项贯穿民进各项工作、贯穿本届任期的
秋风渐凉,忽的吹来一阵,胳膊上就会泛起细细密密的一层。于是,晚饭后的漫步也开始变得有些急匆匆了。放眼望去,厚重的长衣长裤已然上场,何时不见了我钟爱的轻柔飘逸的裙装?同伴也是一阵感叹,曾经认为漫长无边的酷暑竟这般让人眷恋。然而,转念一想:是否我们总是如此,冬日里抱怨恼人的雨雪天寒,夏日里惋惜没有了春日的和风细雨和山花烂漫。正如此刻,一阵凉风就让我们忘记了扑鼻而来的浓郁的桂花香……  不易满足也许真的
In this paper the approximate solution of one-dimensional nonlinear transient heat conduction equation with the constant temperature boundaries is obtained by t
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