以成效论英雄 年底在联想一次交流会上见到任增强时,新年已经指日在即了。虽然任增强是联想最早投身信息安全的元老级人物,但坐在联想信息安全事业部总经理的位置也才一年时间。温和朴厚甚至带有几份羞涩的任增强,此刻显得精神焕发,难掩心中的喜悦之情。2003年联想信息安全业务取得了大丰收:百分之百的增长率,超过亿元的收成,国内业务的全线铺开……细数一年来可圈可点的业绩,任增强向人们打开了解读联想信息安全走势的K线图——
The effectiveness of the hero When the end of the year saw Lenovo in an exchange meeting to strengthen, the New Year has come to an end. Although the enhancement was Lenovo’s first veteran of information security, it took only one year to sit in the position of general manager of the Lenovo Information Security Division. Mild and prosperous, even with a few shy appointments, it seems refreshed at the moment, and it is hard to cover up the joy in the heart. In 2003, Lenovo’s information security business achieved a bumper harvest: 100% growth rate, more than 100 million yuan in output, and a full range of domestic business operations... Detailed performance over the past year, enhanced to open up the interpretation of Lenovo information The K Chart of Safe Trends -