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今年,我国将以提高统计数据质量为中心,把加快统计制度方法改革和统计信息工程建设作为统计工作的重点。在1月13日~15日召开的全国统计局长会议上,国家统计局局长刘洪对此作了具体部署。 第一,进一步加快统计制度方法改革。大体用三年时间,初步建立适应社会主义市场经济需要的新的国家统计制度。今年要大力推进统计调查方法改革,广泛实行抽样调查;在工业统计中实施统计汇总方式的改革, This year, our country will focus on improving the quality of statistical data and accelerating the reform of the statistical system and the construction of statistical information projects. At the National Bureau of Statistics meeting held from January 13 to January 15, Liu Hong, director of the National Bureau of Statistics, made a concrete plan for this. First, to further accelerate the reform of the statistical system. In roughly three years, a new national statistical system that meets the needs of a socialist market economy has been initially established. This year we will vigorously promote the reform of the methods of statistical surveys and carry out a sample survey on a large scale. We will carry out reforms in the form of statistical compilation in industrial statistics,
四季菜(Artemisia LatifLora wall)是民间治疗病后虚弱和肝炎的植物药。本文用四氯化碳(Cl_4)α—萘异硫氰酸脂(ANIt),D—胺基半乳糖(Galn)造成小白鼠和/或大白鼠肝损伤,使
本文报道了五种不同结构剂型的长白云芝多糖对三种可移植性癌瘤生长的影响。结果说明长白云芝多糖是一种免疫增强剂,具有广谱抑瘤效应,可用于肿瘤的临床辅助治疗。 This art
本文结合河南省缩微摄影技术从无到有的发展过程 ,对缩微技术进行了总结 ,并指出其面临的挑战 ,对该行业的发展出路作了探讨。 In this paper, microfilm technology in Hen
从血液凝固与纤维蛋白溶解的角度来了解中草药的活血化瘀作用是一个合理的途径。纤维蛋白平皿试验为测定纤溶活性的经典方法。我们曾用丹参、当归、蒲黄、川芎 From the pe
The aim of this study is the characterization of the cylindrical “mixing layer resulting from the interaction of two coaxial swirling jets. The experimental pa