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  Maritime communication technology has gained great development since the 1980s. According to relevant data released by the International Marine Science Organizations in recent years,more than 40,000 vessels worldwide have installed communications equipment and 464 ports in 127 countries and regions have conducted such communications.
  Figure 1
  Under the impetus of new technologies such as frequency management,real-time frequency selection,selective calling,digital communications networking,microelectronics,and large scale integrated circuits,the performance of the communication equipment on the ship is more advanced,the functions are more perfect,the operation is more simple,the reliability of the equipment is greatly improved,and the single equipment can be organically integrated to form an integrated communication system or a data communication network.
  Figure 2 A novel architecture of marine communications network
  Under the communication network architecture shown in Figure 2,it is equally possible for all users at sea to communicate using conventional maritime wireless communications networks and marine satellite communications networks,but unlike existing marine communications networks,this architecture proposes new land mobile communications technology to create new high-speed broadband links via reefs or offshore platforms,airships,drones and other relay nodes,especially for islands with rich reefs such as the South China Sea.
  2.Signal Attenuation Model
  2.1 The basic model
  The calm ocean and the turbulent ocean may cause different attenuation for the signal reflect off the ocean. We assume that only the shape of ocean surface will affect the signal reflection.
  When we consider a turbulent ocean,several factors of turbulence affect the signal. The following mathematical model shows the signal attenuation due to the wave height.
  represents the strength of the signal,
  indicates the height of waves,
  describes the reduction of signal strength,which is the coefficient.
  represents the original signal strength.
  The height of wave may affect how signal reflect off the ocean and how much strength loss due to the reflection.
  2.2 Connect sea surface condition with signal attenuation
  Specular reflection coefficient
  Diffuse reflection coefficient
  Specular reflection coefficient considering the curvature of the Earth   Diffuse reflection coefficient considering the curvature of the Earth
  Incident angle of electromagnetic wave
  Reflection angle of electromagnetic wave
  Average wave height
  h Small fluctuations in calm seas
  Seawater dielectric constant
  Vertically polarized Fresnel reflection coefficient
  D Earth curvature factor
  G Sea surface roughness
  k Coefficient
  In the initial simple model,we establish the initial formula by using the average height( )of the waves and the incident angle(φ). In general,
  2.2.1 Specular Reflection
  For a calm ocean,we can approximately equate the electromagnetic reflection process with specular reflection. The loss value of the specular energy( )component relative to the direct signal energy component may be expressed as:
  The specular reflection coefficient is derived from the formula by Ament Con(1953). The specular reflection coefficient is related to the average height and the incidence angle of the electromagnetic wave. The formula is as follows:
  Later,it was found in the literature that Miller and other researchers had corrected the coefficient. Using the zero-order Bessel function ,it was determined that the modified specular reflection coefficient was closer to the real condition than the previous one. The revised formulas are as follows:
  Then,we put the value of into ,and the final specular reflection coefficient as follows:
  The vertical polarization Fresnel reflection coefficient is related to the dielectric constant of the seawater. So,we need to consider the influence of ,that is:
  The loss value of specular reflection energy component relative to direct signal energy component( )can be obtained by replacing and into equation①:
  In addition,the curvature of the earth itself will also affect the specular reflection coefficient(Kerr,1951),. We use D to represent the earth's curvature factor. Therefore,the formula of the specular reflection coefficient of the curvature of the earth is given as follows:
  2.2.2 Diffuse Reflection
  For the turbulent sea,we need to discuss the effect of the fast water on the electromagnetic wave. From the wave itself,we summarize the main two factors:the influence of wave height on electromagnetic wave and the influence of wave shape on the incident angle of electromagnetic wave. During the discussion,we found that the roughness of the sea surface(g)included the height of the wave and the incident angle of the wave and equated the reflection process of the electromagnetic wave with diffuse reflection.   Similarly,the loss values of the diffuse( )reflection energy component relative to the direct signal energy component may be expressed as:
  Roughness of the sea surface g is:
  The diffused reflection coefficient derived from Hasper(2010)those two variables---- the incident angle and the reflection angle of electromagnetic wave reflection are used here:
  At the same time,we need to consider the curvature factor of the earth in the same way as the specular reflection coefficient,and the relation between the diffuse reflection coefficient of the earth curvature factor and the specular reflection is as follows:
  The diffuse reflection coefficient,which considers the curvature factor of the earth,can be enlarged in to:
  After the integration,we can get the loss value of diffuse reflection energy component relative to direct signal energy component( ). The expression is as follows:
  2.3 Ocean Waves Model
  Ocean is continuous changing,which the waves are the most obvious. However,unlike the heat,the changing of waves is sometimes randomly. In another word,factors that affect the waves are not such straightforward. Wind-generated waves where occur on the surface of ocean are significantly common.
  According to Pierson and Moskowitz(1964),Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum illustrates the relationship between wave spectra and wind speeds of a fully developed sea.
  Where ,g is the gravitational acceleration, and . We can use the Matlab to get the figure of p-m spectrum,which shows the relation of wave spectral density( )and its frequency . It means the area of the figure represent the significant wave height, is integrated:
  2.4 Conclusions and Results
  From the topic,we think that the first reflection intensity should be compared between the turbulent sea level and the calm sea level,which is equivalent to the calculation of the loss of the two kinds of sea surface to the electric wave reflection. Meanwhile,considering that the ionosphere condition is approximately the same,the frequency of the electromagnetic wave emitted at a same degree. Therefore,we only need to consider the loss changes caused by the sea surface itself.
  From the previous solution and b = ,therefore
  The known quantities are:
  By using MATLAB,the attenuations are:
  Therefore,obviously the strength of the first reflection off a turbulent ocean is lower than the calm ocean. Since the results above show the fact that turbulent ocean absorb signal around 10 %(0.199-0.09)which is more than calm ocean.   2.5 Considering the Ionosphere
  During reflection process,the wave enters into the ionosphere. Moreover,it could also be affected by the season,time of the day,and solar condition. In this part,we mainly discussed the ionosphere factor,which influenced by those three variables. Ionosphere has 3 basic layers:D,E,F. Layer D is the lowest layer of the ionosphere,which is more affected by solar radiation. When the solar activity is strong,more ions can be produced. But these ions are mostly neutralized,so the degree of ionization is relatively low. So,it has less impact on high frequency waves. And when there is no solar radiation,the most obvious character is that the high frequency waves emitted in the distance are not received during the day.
  E is a middle layer,100 to 150 kilometers from the ground. At night,due to the decrease in solar radiation,the E layer begins to disappear. After consulting the literature,we know that the neutralization of the underlying ions is stronger. Therefore,the height of the E layer will be higher at night than in the daytime.
  F is 150 to more than 500 km above the ground and is the main reflection layer of high frequency electromagnetic waves. Due to the strong solar reflectivity during the day,this layer can be divided into F1 and F2 layers. However,at night,the solar radiation is weak,so the layers merged into one.
  The figure below illustrates the process:
  The intensity of solar activity also affects the ionizing degree of ionosphere. The solar radiation on the ionosphere changes with seasonal factors. In general,ionizes of the ionosphere affected by sunlight in summer are higher than that in winter. The closer that layers to the solar radiation,the higher the degree of ionization they will have. Because of that,the reflection of high-frequency electromagnetic waves is more likely to happen.
  So,we considered that F layer is the most aspect. Assuming that the ion production rate per unit volume is Q:
  represents effective ionization’s cross section of the gas,
  n represents gas number density,
  s represents local ionizing radiation intensity.
  Because the degree of ionization changes over time,we have a continuous equation of degree of ionization:
  N represents the total amount of ionospheric electrons
  v represents electronic movement speed
  L represents the total number of electrons that have collided and disappeared   We could get an equation as follow:
  3.Multi-hop Communication with SNR restriction
  3.1 Initial SNR
  We have known that the signal is sent by a 100-watt constant carrier,thus the initial signal to noise ratio is :
  3.2 Improve the Signal Attenuation Model
  Until now,we only consider the influence of ocean surface. In this section,the effect caused by ionosphere and the spread in free space will be added into the consideration.
  The loss due to the spread in free space can be found in a formula ,we assume the frequency is 30 Hz and the distance for one hop is 1000 km,then is equal to .
  Where, is the reduction rate due to the free space spread, is under the condition of calm ocean,and is the rate regard to the ionosphere.
  3.3 Multi-hop Communication
  In this part,the number n should be considered into the formula. Therefore, , .
  By using Matlab,we can get the maximum number is 4.
  Reference Lists:
  [1] Ament Con,J.,Global morphology of ionospheric scintillation,Proc. IEEE,1953,50,240-259.
  [2] Driessen J. R.,Ship detection with high-resolution HF sky-wave radar. IEEE,2010.
  [3] Hasper,W. Some new experimental research of HF backscatter propagation in crirp.2010 Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference-Proceedings,2010:13-16.
  [4] Kerr,J.M,Radio Ray Propagation in the Ionosphere,Mc Graw-Hill Book Company,New York,1951.
  [5] Pierson,D. G. and Moskowitz,G. J. The scintillation of the radio transmissions from Explorer 7,J. Atmos. Terrest. Phys.,1964,24,278-282.
摘要:小学美术是培养学生审美能力、艺术鉴赏力、艺术思维,形成良好的情感态度价值观的学科。同时小学生处于身心发展的重要阶段,对外界一切事物都处于敏感的程度,因此通过美术教育来培养学生的审美、鉴赏等能力显得十分重要。笔者在本次研究中,结合情境创设法,对小学美术教学进行了研究,以期能够打造生动形象有趣的小学美术课堂。  关键词:情境创设法;小学;美术教学  情境创设法是指教师在教学的过程中,根据教学内容
摘要:在新课程改革和提质量提素养背景下,作为语文教师要构建民主平等、尊师爱生、教学相长、心理相容的新型师生关系,营造轻松和谐、愉悦活跃的语文课堂氛围,做一名谈吐得体、幽默风趣的语文教师,激发学生的学习兴趣,在快乐的语文课堂中求知,有效地提高学习效果和学习成绩,获得精神和知识的双丰收。  关键词:幽默;沟通;兴趣;快乐  “教育是国之大计、党之大计。”习近平总书记在全国教育大会上的重要讲话,高度明确
摘要:小学数学教学过程中,分数应用题具有较强的抽象性,要求学生具有缜密的思维和良好的理解应用能力,因此必须要掌握正确的教学方法,因引导学生理解并解答分数应用题。本文主要从掌握分数乘法意义、建立正确解题思路以及强化分数运算等多个方面入手,对小学数学分数应用题教学方法进行探究,旨在强化学生分数应用题解答能力,改善小学数学教学成效,仅供相关人员参考。  关键词:小学数学;分数应用题;教学方法  引言  
摘要:教育改革的进一步深化过程中,初中数学的教学就要及时转变教学观念,注重学生的综合素质的培养,让学生在数学课堂中能有更多的收获。基于此,本文先就初中数学课堂教学的现状以及反思教学的特征简要阐述,然后就数学教学中学生反思习惯培养的价值和措施详细探究,希冀能从理论层面的深化,对数学课堂教学起到一定启示作用。  关键词:初中数学;反思习惯;培养价值  引言  初中阶段是学生学习数学知识的黄金时期,在这
摘要:将情景教学的方法融入小学语文日常的课堂教学中,可以将语文知识变得更加生动和具体,有助于激发学生的学习兴趣,并且对于活跃课堂气氛和提高教学效率也有着积极的推动作用。所以,小学语文教师应当根据学生的特点和教学的内容,让情景教学在教学中实现有机地应用。  关键词:小学语文;情景教学;教学效率  小学生因为受到年龄和经验等因素的限制,对于语文的很多内容和涉及的相关知识在学习与理解时会产生一定程度的困
摘要:七年级是知识从易到难的一个分界线,从七年级往后的数学知识难度明显加大,为了提高学生的数学学习能力,良好数学学习习惯的养成至关重要。然而通过对七年级学生的数学学习习惯的调查,却发现其中存在着诸多问题,并不利于学生的未来成长,因此,本文简要分析了七年级学生数学学习能力习惯的现状,并对如何培养学生学习习惯提出相应对策。  关键词:七年级数学;学习习惯;现状;对策  对以往教学实践的总结可以发现,学
摘 要:管理评审主要是指对企业管理体系的适宜性、充分性和有效性进行评审,管理评审的主体是企业的最高管理者,根据统一标准和设定的预期目标对企业的管理体系做出的评审工作。本篇文章首先探讨了管理体系评审的目的和重要性,紧接着提出我国企业管理评审工作现状及存在的一些问题,最后就如何提升管理评审的有效性这一问题提出几点改进方法与建议。  关键词:管理评审;管理体系;提升有效性  企业管理体系运行的主要步骤之
摘要:教育具有永恒性、历史性、相对独立性这三大社会属性。其中历史性是指人类社会发展的不同时期教育应当具备不同的性质和特点。传统体育教学过于僵硬、划一,在单一教学模式下难以为社会输送有用人才。现今提倡教育要摆脱知识本位泥潭,高中体育教学也不例外。教师应当改变教学思想,进行教学模式创新,有效发挥体育教学的正向促进功能。  关键词:新课改;高中体育;创新性教学  前言:体育学科具有个体发展功能,学生参与
摘要:学生这一对象变得不再简单,教师作为专业从业者应当尽快调整自身的教学方法与教学方向,重新进行工作定位。众所周知,教学过程中学生的情感认知与教师和教学方法有着莫大的联系。学生只有在思想情感和态度上主动接受教师的影响才能够投入时间与精力学习知识。这种心理准备或态度定势常常会影响人们接收的量。教师应当运用情感教学法赢得学生的认同。  关键词:情感教学法;初中生物教学;应用探究  前言:通过分析发现,
在人类与自然漫长的历史发展进程中,不同的地理环境,形成了与之相适应的独特的地域文化。广袤无垠的内蒙古草原,是北方游牧民族的发祥地,生活在这里的人们以自然、朴实、真诚和热情的草原气息和气质创造了优秀的草原文化。与此同时,内蒙古美术逐渐发展起来,成为了草原文化中一片静谧的绿洲。  内蒙古地域辽阔,草原文化博大精深,它悠久的历史和深厚的文化积淀为内蒙古的艺术家提供这丰厚的创作源泉和独特的视觉符号。  早