Sedimentary records of eutrophication in the Changjiang Estuary upwelling area over last 100 a

来源 :Acta Oceanologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zcllq
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The upwelling area in the Changjiang Estuary was selected to collect the core, where the red tide occurred frequently and hypoxic existed. The total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN), biogenic silica (BSi) and stable organic carbon isotopic ratios(δ13 Corg) were determined on the 210Pb-dated sediment core. The concentrations of TOC, TN, BSi as well as their sedimentation fluxes have increased to some extent since the 1970s. TOC and TN fluxes increased about 45%, 36% respectively. The average δ13 Corg value in the core was -23.67×10-3 which remained nearly constant before the 20 century. The δ13 Corg values increased after the 1900s, two marked increases were observed from the 1950s and the 1970s. A simple δ13 Corg model was used to estimate the contribution of terrigenous and marine organic matter inputs for the sediment, which indicated the increase in accumulation since the 1970s has been almost exclusively marine. The increasing of marine organic matter accumulation (TOC, TN and BSi) was corresponding with the increasing of fertilizer consumption and the NO3-N budgets from the Changjiang River. The riverine runoff of fertilizers and nutrients stimulated the algae blooming. Enhanced primary production resulted in an enrichment of organic matter in the sediment. These data support the hypothesis that anthropogenic nutrient loading has been a significant factor on the eutrophication in the Changjiang Estuary. The upwelling area in the Changjiang Estuary was selected to collect the core, where the red tide occurred frequently and hypoxic existed. The total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN), biogenic silica (BSi) and stable organic carbon isotopic ratios The concentrations of TOC, TN, BSi as well as their sedimentation fluxes have increased to some extent since the 1970s. TOC and TN fluxes increased about 45%, 36% respectively. The average δ13 Corg value in the core was -23.67 × 10-3 which remaining nearly constant before the 20th century. The δ13 Corg values ​​increased after the 1900s, two marked increases were observed from the 1950s and the 1970s. A simple δ13 Corg model was used to estimate the contribution of terrigenous and marine organic matter inputs for the sediment, which indicates the increase in accumulation since the 1970s has been almost exclusively marine. The increasing of marine organic matter accumulation (TO C, TN and BSi) was corresponding with the increasing of fertilizer consumption and the NO3-N budgets from the Changjiang River. The riverine runoff of fertilizers and nutrients stimulated the algae blooming. Enhanced primary production resulted in in an enrichment of organic matter in the sediment . These data support the hypothesis that anthropogenic nutrient loading has been a significant factor on the eutrophication in the Changjiang Estuary.
中槐茶系槐角去荚皮后,将槐子研末加工制成的冲剂。1991年5月至9月,我们用中槐茶治疗内痔出血、外痔发炎、便秘、结肠炎,共100例,取得明显疗效。 1 临床资料 1.1 一般资料本
患者女,20岁。纳差、黄染4个月,低热、右上腹痛二个月,于1991年4月18日以梗阻性黄疸入院。 体检;体温37.5℃,脉搏90次/分,血压16/10kpa,发育正常,消瘦,皮肤、巩膜轻度黄染。
为响应党中央开发大西北的号召 ,中华医学会北京分会神经病学会于 2 0 0 1年 8月 12~ 19日组团赴青海省西宁市开展了为期一周的义诊和教学工作。该团由北京协和医院神经科李舜