
来源 :小天使·语数英初二版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiqing
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  I. 词汇
  A) 根据句意及首字母提示,完成下列单词拼写。
  1. On my mother's birthday, I often send my mother some beautiful f_____.
  2. - What are you going to do t_____?
   - I'm going to the movies with my cousin.
  3. What will you say if you have a c_____ to meet Jay Chou?
  4. Be careful when you play basketball. Don't get i_____.
  5. I want to be a l_____ and help other people.
  B) 根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。
  6. You shouldn't wear your _____(jean) when you go to the party.
  7. If you don't go to the party, you _____ (be) sorry.
  8. Ask your classmates _____(not talk) loudly in the hallway.
  9. The kids had a difficult time _____(go) through the forest.
  10. We will visit the museum if it _____(rain) tomorrow.
  11. - Are you for or _____ the decision?
   - I haven't decided yet.
   A. at B. with C. against D. from
  12. - Who broke the window?
   - Nobody. The wind _____.
   A. doB. didC. willD. were
  13. - What shall we do this afternoon?
   - Why _____ basketball?
   A. not to play B. not play
   C. don't playD. not you play
  14. - Where have you been?
  - I haven't been anywhere. I'm at home _____.
   A. sometimesB. at the same time
   C. all the time D. some time
  15. - What will happen if I'm late for class again?
  - If you are late again, the teacher won't _____.
  A. let you in B. let you into
  C. let into you D. let in you
  16. - Please _____ all the cups. We don't need them now.
   - OK.
   A. take off B. take away
   C. get offD. get away
  17. - What did you do with your money?
   - I _____ twenty yuan buying the school things.
   Here is the others.
   A. paidB. took C. spendD. spent
  18. - Jenny, if you _____ a mistake again, you'll have to pay for it.
  - Sorry, sir.
  A. will make B. made
  C. make D. can make
  19. - How was your weekend?
  - I was so busy. My mother asked us _____her _____ the house.
   A. help, to cleanB. to help, clean
   C. help, clean D. to help, cleaned
  20. - Do you enjoy traveling by air?
  - No, it's _____ expensive for me.
   A. many B. more much
   C. too much D. much too
  Ⅲ. 按要求改写下列各句,每空一词。
  21. They enjoyed themselves in the park. (改为同义句)
   They_____ _____ _____ _____ in the park.
  22. The boys can play the guitar very well. (改为同义句)
   The boys _____ _____ _____ play the guitar very well.
  23. My mother will be free tomorrow. She will go shopping. (用if连成一句话)
  If my mother _____ _____ _____, she __________ shopping.
  24. If I stay out late, my parents will be angry with me.(就划线部分提问)
   _____ _____ _____ if you stay out late?
  25. I don't know how I can work out the problem. (改为简单句)
  I don't know _____ _____ work out the problem.
  Ⅳ. 情景对话。
  A: Hi, Alan. We are going to have an evening
   party this Friday. I'm going to buy some snacks.
  B: Oh, we can't do26 .
  A:27? Why not?
  B: Our teachers28be angry with us if we 29some snacks.
  A: OK. I won't do that. By the way, what30 of clothes are you going to wear?
  B: I think I'm going to wear jeans to the party.31will32if I wear jeans?
  A: I think33you do, the teachers34let you in.
  B: Well, I'll have to wear my school clothes.
  A: Me,35 .
  Ⅴ. 完形填空。
   For many young people,36a host on an entertainment TV show might seem like a dream job. If you become a host, you'll37make a living doing something you love. You have the chance to chat with pop stars, and you could make yourself38 .
  39 , it is not easy to become a host, Ada Liu(柳岩), 27, has hosted the popular music program Pepsi Music Chart Awards《百事音乐风云榜》for a year. The program is on40half an hour every day. Her job is to talk to stars like Jay Chou and Jolin.
   "The program41much work", Liu said. Before she goes on, she reads out about the guest- pop star on the Internet and in newspapers. Sometimes she asks other hosts. "I learned Jay's new song and Jolin's42dance to get closer to them." She said.
  On the show she respects the stars' privacy(隐私). And she sees herself as the stars' equal.
  Liu43gets a holiday. "When I'm not working, I have to take44or singing lessons," she said. "I try to learn 45I can from life."
  36. A. becomeB. becoming
  C. be D. became
  37. A. be able toB. can
   C. is able to D. are able to
  38. A. richB. sad
   C. famousD. nervous
  39. A. However B. But C. ThenD. And
  40. A. inB. aboutC. at D. for
  41. A. takes B. spendsC. costs D. pays
  42. A. lateB. latest C. later D. last
  43. A. neverB. sometimes
   C. usually D. always
  44. A. dance B. to dance C. dances D. dancing
  45. A. everythingB. nothing
   C. something D. somebody
  Ⅵ. 阅读理解。
   If you want to protect yourself, please remember the following ways of information. These ways make you safe.
   ★ Don't play with matches or candles, because it may cause fire. If it causes fire, please call 119.
   ★ If a strange man is following you, don't go home directly. Cross the street and go to the other way, let the person understand that you know he or she is after you. Next, don't go home at once. You are safer in the street than you are alone in your home or in lift (电梯).
   ★ When you take a bus, don't sit alone. Sit behind the driver or with other people. Don't sleep. Don't take out your money when others look at you. Your school bag should be carried in front of your body. Don't put it on your back.
  46. Which of the following is NOT safe when you are out?
  A. Go home alone late at night.
  B. Don't play with fire.
   C. Don't take out your money when others look at you.
   D. Don't put your school bag on your back on a bus.
  47. You'd better put your school bag ____ when there are too many people on a bus.
  A. on your backB. beside youC. in front of you D. behind the driver
  48. When a strange follow you on your way home, you should ____ to make yourself safe.
  A. run homeB. find a lift and go in
  C. turn back and walk towards him or her at once D. cross the street and go to the other way
  49. When you take a bus alone, it's safe for you ____.
  A. to sit behind the driver or with other people, but not to sleep B. to talk with the driver
  C. to call your friendsD. to get off the bus at once
  50. What can you learn from the text?
  A. How to do with a strange. B. How to be safe in your everyday life.
  C. How to play with matches. D. How to take a bus.
   Junk food has been popular in the world for many years. Why? Firstly, it is cheap to make. It doesn't take much money to produce junk food. Secondly, it is quick and easy for people to eat. Thirdly, many people, including children, like it because it tastes good. Lastly, most junk food has food additives(添加剂). So it looks and tastes better, and can be kept for a long time.
   Most scientists say junk food is unhealthy especially for young children. Because it can cause a lack of calcium(缺乏钙质)in their bodies. Junk food has lots of fat, salt and sugar, but few nutrients(营养). It is the cause of overweight, heart diseases(心脏病)and many other health problems.
   Junk food still has some nutrients and is a small part of a balance diet. So you should eat healthy food about 95% of the time, and then eat 5% of junk food. It's OK to have junk food now and then. How often do you have it? It depends on your weight, age and how active you are.
  51. Junk food is quick and easy for people to eat.
  52. Many people like junk food because it is good for their health.
  53. Junk food has a lot of fat, salt and sugar, but no nutrients.
  54. The writer thinks it is OK to have junk food now and then.
  55. Eating too much junk food may cause overweight, heart diseases and many other health problems.
  Ⅶ. 书面表达。(15分)
  请以"If I am the headmaster, …"为题写一篇短文。词数60左右。
  I. A) 1. flowers 2. tonight 3. chance 4. injure 5. lawyer B) 6. jeans 7. will be 8. not to talk 9. going 10. rains II. 11-15 CBBCA 16-20 BCCBDIII. 21. had a great/good time 22. are able to 23. is free tomorrow, will go 24. What will happen 25. how to IV. 26. that 27. Really 28.will 29. bring 30. kind 31. What 32. happen 33. if 34. won't 35. too V. 36-40 BACAD 41-45 ABADA VI. 46-50 ACDAB 51. T 52. F 53. F 54. T 55. T VII.One possible version:If I am the headmaster, I will give the students less homework, and then they will have more time to do what they like. If I am the headmaster, I will allow the students to take part in more clubs, such as the basketball club, the music club and the chess club. If I am the headmaster, I will serve many kinds of food, and it is cheap but tastes good. If I am the headmaster, I will try my best to make the students live happily and healthily at school.
最后,让我们以易中天先生的《先秦诸子百家争鸣》卷首语作为这次主题的结束语吧!同学们,你更崇尚哪一派呢?    许多民族都有独特的智慧,许多民族都有曾经的辉煌,他们也都会有自己引以为荣的黄金时代。因此,当他们打开国门,放眼天下,自立于世界民族之林时,不会因精彩纷呈而眼花缭乱,不会因变化万千而张皇失措,也不会因日新月异而妄自菲薄。因为他们有自己的根,有自己源远流长和不可替代的文化,有自己的精神支柱。 
爷爷每年都要在国庆节这天升国旗、唱国歌。  爷爷自小受尽了苦。七岁开始给人当放牛娃,从小受尽了地主的白眼。16岁,他投奔了共产党的部队,对党和新中国有着特殊的情感。除了唱国歌,爷爷还特别爱唱《东方红》、《没有共产党就没有新中国》等。  爷爷转业后回农村,成了种庄稼的好手,每当爷爷扛着锄头出工的时候,他嘴里总是哼着“东方红,太阳升,中国出了个毛泽东……”听父亲说,爷爷一次哼着《东方红》的时候,村里最
故用兵之法, 十则围之①,五则攻之,倍则分之②, 敌则能战之③,少则能逃之,不若则避之。  故小敌之坚, 大敌之擒也④。  注释  ①.十则围之:如有十倍兵力则围困敌人。   ②.倍则分之:兵力两倍于敌人则可夹攻。   ③.敌则能战之:势均力敌则奋力抗击。   ④.小敌之坚,大敌之擒:弱兵如固执坚战,必为强敌所擒。    不可胜者,守也①。可胜者,攻也②。守则不足,攻则有余③。善守者,藏于九地之下
清晨,一轮红日从海面升起,一阵温柔的东风,融化了持续的冬季,随风飘来的温暖抒写着纯情与真挚,温柔的东风拂去了我心中的寒意。   走过隆冬酷暑,历尽风霜雨雪,就在我失意、狼狈的时候,你来到了我的面前,告诉我“永不放弃”。因为你,我懂得了如何观察身边的世界,如何体验多彩的人生,如何审视过往的历史,如何创造美好的未来。   一天,你随风落地,我不能阅读了。蒙上尘埃的你沉默着,每一缕受伤的阳光都使我感到无
一、表序数。    1、冠:第一、首位。如:  (1) 盖《尚书》古文,五经之冠也。 (《史通·鉴识》)  (2)名冠三军。(《史记·魏其武安侯列传》)  2、元: 开始,第一。如:  (1)是年夏五,改元景炎。(《后序》)  (2)元旦;元日。(《公羊传·隐公元年》)  3、首:第一,首先。如:  (1)得晋国而讨无礼,曹其首诛也。(《史记·项羽本纪》)  (2)夫秦失其政,陈涉首难。(《史记·
编辑手记  生活中,总是有些事让我们欢悦,有些人让我们铭记,有些爱让我们感动……即使时光流逝也不会淡忘。如果你是有心的人,不妨用你的生花妙笔记载下来。生活就是文章,其实写文章并没那么深奥,不信,我们就来欣赏下面一组文章——    今天,我去婆婆家玩。不料,婆婆家的三只公鸡从笼子里跑了出来。老大跑得无影无踪,老二上了房顶,老三在高高的松树上呢。我得意地想:今天得我露两手了,我现在就开始“抓鸡行动”。
法家思想核心:以主张“以法治国”的“法治”而闻名。    以子之矛,攻子之盾。  智术之士,必远见而明察,不明察不能烛私;能法之士,必强毅而劲直,不劲直不能矫奸。  千里之堤,毁于蚁穴。  与死人同病者,不可生也,与亡国同事者,不可存也。  小信成则大信立,故明主积于信。赏罚不信,则禁令不行。  以肉去蚁蚁愈多,以鱼驱蝇蝇愈至。  法、势、术三者不可缺少,“法”是指法制、法律;“势”指权力、权威;
1.曾经有一个学统计的学生,他开车的时候,总是在十字路口加速,呼啸而过,然后再减速.一天,他带着一个旅客,那个旅客被他的驾驶方式弄得心惊胆颤,问他为什么要这么开车.那个学生回答:“是这样的,从统计学角度讲,十字路口是事故高发段,所以我要尽可能地少花时间.”  2.三个教授(一个物理学家,一个化学家和一个统计学家)被召到院长办公室,他们刚刚坐定就发现一个废纸篓着火了.  物理学家说:“我知道怎么办,
墨家的思想核心是:“兼爱”,“非攻”。兼爱,即无差别的爱。非攻,反映了墨家学派反对发动不义之战的和平愿望。    原文  巫马子谓子墨子曰:“子兼爱天下,未云利也;我不爱天下,未云贼也。功皆未至,子何独自是而非我哉?”子墨子曰:“今有燎者于此,一人奉水,将灌之;一人掺火,将益之。功皆未至,子何贵于二人?”巫马子曰:“我是彼奉水者之意,而非夫掺火者之意。”子墨子曰:“吾亦是吾意,而非子之意也。”  
小镇上有两种声音  一样的寂寥:  白天是算命锣,  夜里是梆子。  敲不破别人的梦,  做着梦似的  瞎子在街上走,  一步又一步。  他知道哪一块石头低,  哪一块石头高,  哪一家姑娘有多大年纪。  敲沉了别人的梦,  做着梦似的  更夫在街上走,  一步又一步。  他知道哪一块石头低,  哪一块石头高,  哪一家门户关得最严密。  “三更了,你听哪,  毛儿的爸爸,  这小子吵得人睡不成觉