
来源 :光华法学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:SANDWICHSZHANG
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作为程序异化的司法潜规则,内审制度从其产生之日便备受争议,一边是理论界的口诛笔伐,一边是现实中长期存在继而固化为法院一审判形式。理论界的争议、实务界的彷徨终究未能为内审制度提供一个合理的评判标准。而衡量一项制度的优劣、存废,理论维度是消极标准,衡量制度的合理性及原始功能,事实维度是积极标准,决定制度存在的必要性及现实功能,故单纯依靠法理定性分析造成的结果便是“公说公有理,婆说婆有理”。本文以“公正”、“效率”司法核心价值为主线,以传统经济学诉讼程序理论为研究进路,通过建立数学模型及数据分析,考察内审制度的管理成本、错误成本以及与审判质效之间的关系,从而对内审制度予以定性分析。通过本文研究,笔者希望能在数据支撑及客观分析基础上为内审制度的去留提供合理解释及可为路径,以期为推动我国司法改革尽绵薄之力。 As the unspoken rules of alienation of the procedure, the system of internal auditing is controversial from the day when it was created. On the one hand, it is the opposition of theorists in theory. On the other hand, it exists in reality for a long time and then solidifies into the first instance of the court. Theoretical controversy and actual practice have failed to provide a reasonable standard for internal auditing. To measure the pros and cons of a system and to save or abolish it, the theoretical dimension is a negative standard to measure the rationality and original function of the system. The fact dimension is a positive standard, which determines the necessity and realistic function of the system. The result is “Public said the public, the woman said”. Based on the core value of “justice” and “efficiency”, this paper takes the traditional economics litigation theory as the research route, and through the establishment of mathematical models and data analysis, examines the management costs, error costs and And the relationship between the quality of trial, so as to conduct a qualitative analysis of the internal audit system. Through the research in this article, I hope to provide a reasonable explanation and a path for the purpose of the internal audit system on the basis of data support and objective analysis, with a view to contributing to the promotion of judicial reform in our country.
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第一条 为方便台湾记者进行新闻采访,加强海峡两岸新闻交流,以加深两岸人民的相互了解,促进两岸关系发展,推进祖国和平统一进程,特制定本规定。 Article 1 These Provision
20 0 2年 10月 2 4日 ,我院客座教授、航天测控技术专家、军事科学学会常务理事、解放军总装备部指挥技术学院副院长、教授平凡少将在我院东校区综合楼四楼学术报告厅作了题