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在行政诉讼立案难、审理难、执行难“三难”中,立案难被称为“难中之难”。立案难的一大原因缘于行诉制度本身,现行行诉法规定了8类可诉事项,但在现实中应当受理的行政纠纷远不止此,因立案门槛过高、受案范围过窄,导致大量“民告官”无法进入法院。其中最为典型的是矛盾最为突出的拆迁、征地等行政纠纷,一些基层法院甚至制定内部规定,对于此类行政纠纷一律不予受理。然而矛盾最为突出、民众诉求最为强烈的拆迁、征地等行政纠纷,恰恰成为立案难最为典型的标本。由于数量庞大的此类行政纠纷被法院拒绝受理,最终导致土地征用、房屋拆迁、劳动保障成为信访的三大焦点主体,积蓄矛盾,引发民怨。畅通“民告官”入口、扩大行诉受案范围,是 In the administrative proceedings filing difficult, difficult to hear, difficult to implement “three difficult ”, the filing is difficult to be called “difficult difficulty ”. One of the major reasons for filing a case is due to the system of petitions itself. The current law of appeal states that there are 8 types of matters that may be prosecuted. However, the administrative disputes that should be accepted in reality are far more than those. As the threshold of filing a case is too high and the scope of accepting cases is too narrow, Lead to a large number of “civil servants” can not enter the court. Among them, the most typical one is the most contradictory administrative dispute such as demolition and land requisition. Some grass-roots courts even set internal rules and will not accept such administrative disputes. However, the contradictions are the most prominent, and the strongest public appeals for administrative disputes such as demolition and land requisition are just the most typical specimens for filing a case. As a large number of such administrative disputes were rejected by the court, eventually leading to land acquisition, housing demolition, labor security as the three main focus of letters and visits, savings conflicts, triggering resentment. Unobstructed “civil sues official ” entrance, expanding the scope of the line of complaint, is
电视上,漂亮的女记者手持话筒,不厌其烦地问着大家同一个问题:“你回家吃饭吗?你最喜欢吃的妈妈饭是什么?”  旁边的妻子拾过话茬:“老公,你最喜欢吃的妈妈饭是什么?”  “炒黄豆面疙瘩。”答案肯定而不假思索,继而我不由自主地一聲长叹,“可惜我再也吃不到老娘做的炒黄豆面疙瘩了。”说这话时,我的眼眶已经因伤感有些湿润——久违了,那满载母爱香甜酥脆令人回味无穷的炒黄豆面疙瘩!  第一次吃炒黄豆面疙瘩是在上
序号日期运载器有效载荷发射国家结果1 0 1 - 1 1天顶号 3SL电信星 1 4号 /Estreladosul1 ,通信卫星多国成功2 0 1 - 2 9联盟号U进步号货运飞船俄罗斯成功30 2 - 0 5宇宙神 2
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