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长汀县离体老红军老党员铁坚,多方集资兴建“方方园”,向建党70周年献礼。今年75岁的铁坚,1930年参加红军曾担任过闽粤赣边区纵队副司令员,解放后任广东省潮汕军分区司令员。离休回家乡长汀定居后,坚持为群众做好事,为了对青少年进行革命传统教育,决定筹集资金,建一座园林式的革命传统教育场所,向建党70周年献礼。这一决定得到长汀县离体老红军老党员铁坚,多方集资兴建“方方园”,向建党70周年献礼。今年75岁的铁坚,1930年参加红军曾担任过闽粤赣边区纵队副司令员,解放后任广东省潮汕军分区司令员。离休回家乡长汀定居后,坚持为群众做好事,为了对青少年进行革命传统教育,决定筹集资金,建一座园林式的革命传统教育场所,向建党70周年献礼。这一决定得到县委县府领导大力支持,很快成立了筹建组,由铁坚任组长,负责筹集建园全部资金。到目前为止,已筹集建园捐款40多万元。为纪念二战时期曾任长汀、连城县委书记的方方同志的革命业绩,该园命名为“方方园”。内设方方同志革命事迹陈列室、图书馆和青少年文化娱乐活动室等。“方方园”将于今年春夏之交动工兴建。谢镇成 Changting County detachment of the old Red Army old member Tie Jian, multi-fund-raising to build “Fangfangyuan”, to the 70th anniversary of the founding of the gift. Tie Jian, 75, joined the Red Army in 1930 as deputy commander of the brigade of the border areas of Fujian, Guangdong and Jiangxi and as commander of the Chaoshan Regional Division of Guangdong Province after the liberation. After retiring from his hometown Changting, he persisted in doing good deeds for the masses. In order to educate young and old people about revolutionary traditions, he decided to raise funds to build a garden-style revolutionary traditional place of education and offer his gift to the 70th anniversary of the founding of the party. This decision has been Changting County Detached Old Red Army Tiejian old, multi-fund-raising to build “Fangfangyuan”, to the 70th anniversary of the founding ceremony. Tie Jian, 75, joined the Red Army in 1930 as deputy commander of the brigade of the border areas of Fujian, Guangdong and Jiangxi and as commander of the Chaoshan Regional Division of Guangdong Province after the liberation. After retiring from his hometown Changting, he persisted in doing good deeds for the masses. In order to educate young and old people about revolutionary traditions, he decided to raise funds to build a garden-style revolutionary traditional place of education and offer his gift to the 70th anniversary of the founding of the party. This decision was strongly supported by the leadership of the county government office, and soon set up a preparatory team, led by Tie Jian, responsible for raising funds for the park. So far, it has raised over 400,000 yuan for the park construction. To commemorate the revolutionary achievements of Fang Fong, a former party chief of Changting County and Liancheng County, during World War II, the park was named “Fangfangyuan”. Inside the square gay revolutionary deeds showcase, libraries and youth culture and entertainment room. “Fangfangyuan” will be constructed at the turn of the spring and summer of this year. Xie Zhencheng
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