加速产业链升级 推动制造服务业快速发展

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随着全球经济一体化、制造技术的不断进步和客户需求标准的不断提高,制造业产业链各环节的附加值分布发生了重大变化,出现了高附加值环节不断向产业链的上下游两端,即技术开发、工程成套、维修及再制造服务等环节转移的趋势。这些环节的高附加值,给制造企业带来比单纯制造装配更高的利润。为适应制造业产业链价值分布的变化,制造业和服务业不断融合,产生了制造服务业。制造服务业是与制造业直接相关的配套服务业,贯穿于企业生产的上游、中游和下游诸环节。围绕产业链各环节开展的设计研发、检修检测、备件配件供应、上线物流、供应链管理、设备改造、设备租赁、设备成套、工程总承包、交钥匙工程及解决方案等均属于制造服务业的范畴。发达国家制造服务业起步较早,在制造业发展到一定程度时,及时调整了经济发展方式和产业结构,实现了以工业经济为主到以服务经济为主的转变,从而得以继续保持在世界经济中的优势地位。目前,在世界GDP总量中,服务业产值已超过60%,一些发达国家的服务业产值已占国内生产总值的75%以上,而其中的制造服务业占服务业的比重接近70%。因此,制造服务业已经成为发达国家经济的支柱产业。对此,我刊特针对产业链升级及制造服务业的发展展开讨论,邀请到机械行业的一些专家来谈谈他们对机械行业制造服务业的一些看法。 With the global economic integration, continuous improvement of manufacturing technology and continuous improvement of customer demand standards, the value-added distribution of various links in the manufacturing industry chain has undergone major changes. There has been a continuous shift from the high value-added sectors to the upstream and downstream ends of the industry chain , That is, technology development, engineering packages, maintenance and remanufacturing services and other sectors of the transfer of the trend. The high added value of these links gives manufacturers more profits than simply manufacturing and assembling. In order to adapt to the changes in the distribution of the value chain of the manufacturing industry, the manufacturing and service industries are continuously merged to create a manufacturing service industry. Manufacturing services is directly related to the manufacturing sector ancillary services, runs through the production of upstream, middle and lower reaches of all aspects. Design R & D, overhauling and inspection, spare parts supply, on-line logistics, supply chain management, equipment modification, equipment leasing, equipment complete sets, general contracting, turnkey projects and solutions around the industry chain all belong to manufacturing and service industries category. In the developed countries, the manufacturing service industry started earlier. When the manufacturing industry developed to a certain extent, it timely adjusted the mode of economic development and industrial structure and realized the transformation from industrial economy to service-oriented economy so as to maintain its position in the world The dominant position in the economy. At present, the output value of service industry has exceeded 60% of the total world GDP. In some developed countries, service output value accounts for more than 75% of the GDP while manufacturing services account for nearly 70% of the service sector. Therefore, the manufacturing service industry has become a pillar industry in the developed countries. In this regard, I specifically for industrial chain upgrade and the development of manufacturing services to start the discussion, invited to the machinery industry experts to talk about their manufacturing machinery industry, some of the views.
The residual stress generated in the manufacturing process of inertial platform causes the drift of inertial platform parameters in long-term storage condition.
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