拨亮点 促创新

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随着高考考试制度的改革,写作天平中的创新法码会越来越重。无创意的作文会受到冷落;有创意的作文,即使只是一点,也会有令人惊喜的“鼓励分”。 作文“亮点”的提出,正是基于这样一种认识。所谓“亮点”,是指有自身特色、新颖独到的构思点。“亮点”的出现,很大程度上是个性得到充分的显露。 作文要有“亮点”,首先在其记忆仓库中要有一定的范例储备。没有阅读经验,作文如同无米之炊;阅读量小,视野狭窄,也很难擦亮思维的火花。其次要培养丰富的想象力。思路不开阔,不能张开想象的翅膀,作文难出新意。再次,教师要充分发扬课堂民主。在作文课堂里,应该是“海阔凭鱼跃,天高任鸟飞”,要鼓励学生写“放胆文”,甚至允许学生“出格”。最后,要经常开展丰富多彩的写作活动。“活动教学”已成为当代新的教学模式,其生命力愈来愈强。活动就是要把学生置于某一集体和特定的氛围中,在相互竞争、启发下,激发灵感的火花。 点拨作文亮点的途径有: With the reform of the college entrance exam system, the innovation code in the writing balance will become heavier and heavier. Unconventional compositions will be neglected; creative compositions, even if they are just a little, will have amazing “encouraging points.” The “bright spot” of the composition is based on such an understanding. The so-called “bright spot” refers to its own characteristics, novel and original ideas. The emergence of “bright spots” is to a large extent the full disclosure of individuality. Composition must have “bright spots”, first of all in its memory warehouse must have a certain amount of sample reserves. Without reading experience, the composition is like no other than rice; reading is small, the field of vision is narrow, and it is difficult to polish the spark of thinking. Second, we must cultivate rich imagination. The ideas are not open, and the wings of imagination cannot be opened. The composition is hard to come up with. Again, teachers should fully promote classroom democracy. In the composition classroom, it should be “the sea is wide with the diving, the sky is high and the birds are flying”. Students should be encouraged to write “brave bold words” and even allow students to “pass”. Finally, it is necessary to carry out a variety of writing activities. “Activity teaching” has become a new contemporary teaching model, and its vitality has become stronger and stronger. The activity is to place the students in a certain collective and specific atmosphere, and inspire and stimulate the spark of inspiration. There are several ways to highlight the highlights of the composition:
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