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1.不能用汽缸盖压装汽缸套。有的农机手在安装汽缸时,不装汽缸垫,直接装上汽缸盖,通过拧紧汽缸盖螺栓压装汽缸盖。这样,当汽缸套压到位后,汽缸盖的压力全部作用在仅3mm左右的缸套台肩上,会导致汽缸套断裂。正确的安装方法是:将木板放在汽缸套上端,用锤子轻敲木板,直至汽缸套装到位。2.不能用压缩空气冲洗汽油箱。焊修汽油箱前,必须先将油箱内的汽油洗净。有的修理人员用压缩空气冲洗油箱,由于油箱口较小,汽油分子在箱内因发生强烈碰撞会产生火花,易引起爆炸,造成人身伤亡事故。应使用清洗剂清洗汽油箱。 1. Cylinder head can not be used to press cylinder liner. Some agricultural machine hand when installing the cylinder, the cylinder liner is not installed directly mounted on the cylinder head, cylinder head bolts by tightening the pressure cylinder head. In this way, when the cylinder sleeve pressure in place, the pressure on the cylinder head all the role of only about 3mm cylinder liner shoulder, will lead to cylinder liner fracture. The correct installation method is: put the board on the cylinder liner, tap the board with a hammer until the cylinder set in place. 2. Do not flush the fuel tank with compressed air. Before repairing the fuel tank, you must first wash the fuel tank. Some repairers flush the fuel tank with compressed air. Due to the smaller fuel tank mouth, the gasoline molecules will generate sparks in the tank due to strong collision, which may cause explosion and cause personal injury or death. Clean the fuel tank with detergent.
一篇读后感至少要由三个部分的内容组成:一是要介绍原作的篇名内容和特点;二是根据自己的认识对原作的内容和特点进行分析和评价,也就是概括地谈谈对作品 After reading a s
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分析了平潭县工人文化宫的建筑声学设计,对观众厅的体型设计、扩散处理、混响设计、噪声控制及克服音质缺陷等方面进行了探讨. This paper analyzes the architectural acoust
读《中国古典诗歌基础文库·唐诗卷》这样真正雅俗共赏、具有专业指导性的选注,是非常受用的。它的确找准了已经历了十年文化建设的读者群的真正需求,既体现着学术的内在标准,又能引导读者接受、掌握这个内在标准。  这部《唐诗卷》最“吃功夫”的部分是传、注,份量在传、注。  诗人小传部分在描述诗人的经历时突出他们的性格特征,分析诗人精神个性时展现了唐诗的重要“细节”——勃兰兑斯倡导并力行的用细节法写文学史的那
小学数学作为基础教育的重要组成部分,对培养学生的创新能力具有其他学科无法替代的作用。培养学生的创新能力有多种手段和方法,运用信息技术,创新数学教学情景是 Elementar
要在起步阶段就全心探索和培育小企业业务,在激烈的竞争中做出特色,赢得市场,需要坚定的信念和艰辛的付出 It is necessary to fully explore and nurture the business of