
来源 :江西医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhoubin_
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据文献记载,恶性淋巴瘤病例中,5~6%的患者有肿瘤家族史。在日本171例恶性淋巴瘤中,有11例为父母、兄弟。我院自1974年6月至1982年11月先后发现弟兄2人均患有恶性淋巴熘,现报告如下。例1,彭××,男性,24岁,江西人,未婚。患者以两侧颈部淋巴结呈进行性无痛性肿大,4个月,于1982年11月5日入院。1982年7月患者偶然发现两侧颈部有包块,无痛,未介意。后因颈部包块逐渐增大,伴盗汗,于1982年11月3日转来我院。经穿刺细胞学证实,为恶性淋巴瘤而收住院。住院检查,T36.5℃,P68次,BP110/70,R20次。神志清,全身皮肤无出血点,皮肤巩膜无黄染。右颈淋巴结10×7cm,质中,性韧,表面不平,与皮肤无粘连。左颈淋巴结似串珠状4个,约2.5×2cm 大小,质中,无粘连。两侧腋下及滑车淋巴结未触及,右侧腹股沟淋巴结0.5×0.5cm 1个,左侧腹股沟淋巴结1.0×1.0cm 4个。心界不 According to the literature, 5 to 6% of patients with malignant lymphoma have a family history of cancer. In 171 cases of malignant lymphoma in Japan, 11 cases were parents and brothers. Our hospital from June 1974 to November 1982 has found two brothers suffering from malignant lymph nodes, are as follows. Example 1, Peng × ×, male, 24 years old, Jiangxi, unmarried. Patients with cervical neck lymph nodes were progressive painless swelling, 4 months, on November 5, 1982 admitted. July 1982 patients occasionally found on both sides of the neck with mass, painless, did not mind. After the neck mass gradually increased, accompanied by night sweats, on November 3, 1982 transferred to our hospital. Cytology confirmed by puncture, admitted to hospital for malignant lymphoma. Hospitalization, T36.5 ℃, P68, BP110 / 70, R20 times. Conscious, systemic skin without bleeding, sclera skin without yellow dye. Right neck lymph node 10 × 7cm, quality, toughness, uneven surface, no adhesion with the skin. Left cervical lymph nodes like beaded 4, about 2.5 × 2cm size, quality, no adhesions. Axillary and trunnion lymph nodes on both sides were not touched, 1 inguinal lymph node on the right side was 0.5 × 0.5 cm and 4 on the left side was 1.0 × 1.0 cm. Heart is not
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