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楼群设计图纸凌空展开——依次矗立魔术师的手、帽子、幻影、超感应力……楼群拈花而笑,如神迹驾临于城市,到处寻找无处安身的人。我听见一阵敲门的声响,又仿佛无数的门窗挤在潜意识里奔跑,花事获得足够的孤独,生活和社会关系被放逐,顺从流水的还有砖头、水泥、玻璃以及不锈钢的坚持……皓月一枚,不照王维的山居,银光散尽只为目睹鳞次栉比的高楼盛景。这些可使斗转星移的楼群,是怎样的包罗万象?——心说八卦阵。脑画太极图。腹藏鬼谷子 Building block drawings fly voluntarily - in turn stands the magician’s hand, hat, phantom, super-sense of stress ... ... House group Nianhua smile, such as miracles in the city, looking for no place to shelter people. I heard a burst of noise on the door, as if countless doors and windows squeezed subconsciously ran, spent enough loneliness, life and social relations are exiled, there is obedience to the bricks, cement, glass and stainless steel insisted ...... Haoyue A, not according to Wang Wei’s mountain, silver scattered just to see row upon row of tall buildings. These can make a succession of buildings, what is all-encompassing? Brain painting tai chi figure. Abdominal possession of ghost millet
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<正> 近代中国向西方打开自己的精神殿堂后很久,黑格尔才姗姗来迟。不是完全无人知道黑格尔。至少,1903年马君武便在有影响的《新民丛报》上,高呼“黑格尔的大名,雷轰于哲学界”了。然而思想最活跃的二十年代,学界对黑格尔依然保持沉默。对此,贺麟的解释是,这是由近代学者讲西方的初始动机——寻求富强之道决定的。“在哲学方面,他们是先从外表,边缘、实用方面着手,先介绍培根、洛克、赫胥黎、穆勒,然
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