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To investigate chorionic villous vasculogenesis(maturation)and development of the vasculosyncytial membrane(margination)using CD34immunohistochemistry.C ase -control study.Microscopic analysis of first trimester chori-onic villi.Twelve patients with anembryonic pregnancies,12with embryonic death,and 12with t erminated normal pregnancies.Quantitative analysis of chorionic villi blinded to group and gestational age using CD34immunohisto-chemistry.Vascular parameters(mean functional vascular area,vessels with a lumen,and heman giogenetic cords,peripherally or centrally located).Terminated normalpregnancies show significantly more vessels per chorionic villus(maturation)(mean ±SEM)in comparison with embryonic deaths and anembryonic pr egnancies(5.3±0.3vs.1.4±0.2and 0.7±0.1),located mainly peripherally(margination)(3.0±0.2vs.0.9±0.2and 0.2±0.0).Anembryonic pregnancies show sign ifi-cantly more centrally located cords in comparison with embryonic deaths and termination of pregnancies(3.3±0.2vs.2.7±0.2and 1.5±0.1).A defective chori-onic villous vascularization,demo nstrating inadequate vasculogenesis and abnormal develo pment of the vascu-losyncytial membrane,is seen in pre gnancies complicated by embryonic death and is even more pr onounced in anembryonic pregnancies.Initiation of placental vasculo-genesis is a basic feature in all types of pregnancy and is subsequently modulated directly or indirectly by embryonic signaling. To investigate chorionic villous vasculogenesis (maturation) and development of the vasculosyncytial membrane (margination) using CD34 immunohistochemistry. C ase -control study. Microscopic analysis of first trimester chori-onic villi. Patients with anembrytic pregnancies, 12 with embryonic death, and 12 with t erminated normal pregnancies. Quantitative analysis of chorionic villi blinded to group and gestational age using CD34 immunohisto-chemistry. Vascular parameters (mean functional vascular area, vessels with a lumen, and heman giogenetic cords, peripherally or centrally located.) Cerminated normalpregnancies show significantly more vessels per Chorionic villus (maturation) (mean ± SEM) in comparison with embryonic deaths and anembryonic pr egnancies (5.3 ± 0.3 vs. 1.4 ± 0.2 and 0.7 ± 0.1), located mainly peripherally (3.0 ± 0.2 vs. 0.9 ± 0.2 and 0.2 ± 0.0). Anembryonic pregnancies show sign ifi-cantly more centrally located cords in comparison with embryonic deaths and termination of pregnancies ( 3.3 ± 0.2 vs. 2.7 ± 0.2 and 1.5 ± 0.1). A defective chori-onic villous vascularization, demo nstrating inadequate vasculogenesis and abnormal develoment of the vascu-losyncytial membrane, is seen in pre gnancies complicated by embryonic death and is even more pr onounced in anembryonic pregnancies. Invitations of placental vasculo-genesis is a basic feature in all types of pregnancy and is subsequently modulated directly or indirectly by embryonic signaling.
Objective This study was undertaken to assess the risk of neonatal morbidity in the second twi ns.Study design We carried out a cohort study of 128,219live born
目的:为了制备特殊用途的壳聚糖衍生物质,必须将其相对分子质量控制在4 000~7 000 Da之间,制成窄谱低相对分子质量壳聚糖。方法:采用化学降解方法制成分子质量参差不齐的壳聚
由枣庄市教育局、枣庄市文化局联合举办的“红山峪村民俗器物展”,2002年6月16日—23日在山东省枣庄市博物馆举办。 红山峪村是鲁南枣庄市山亭区一个四面环山的小山村,全村1
万安,一座充满传奇色彩的 千年古镇。古街、古城岩、古水龙庙遗址,向世人诉说着万安古代的辉煌与繁荣,传递着万安古代的防火信息。 Wan An, a legendary Millennium town. Anci