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在老厂改建工程中拆除原有建筑物难度大,上部结构加固复杂,下部基础施工困难,在改建方案中必须采取相应的措施,以确保相邻建筑物的安全,充分发挥和利用原有建筑物的承载能力,这是确定改建方案时必须掌握的原则。老厂改造既要受到场地、原有建筑物和地下管网的限制,因此事先做好资料收集工作是十分必要的。要摸清地下管线的布置,车间地坪的相对标高,沉降观测记录,原有建筑物的维修记录,原有建筑物基础和上部结构现状、竣工图等等,从而采取有效措施来提高原有建筑物的强度和刚度,把加固工作量压缩到最低限度,以适应改建后新工艺、新设备的要求。当前,在改建工程中的分工愈来愈细,专业性愈来愈强,因此必须加强各专业之间的紧密配合,重视各专业的作用。而土建专业在老厂技术改造中尤应尊重工艺技术,对工艺技术和设备提出的要求应认真消化,对不合理的部分应提出修改,这对正确确定改建方案是极其必要的。老厂技术改造调动了工业企业各个方面都来重视技术进步,发展生产,增加产量,提高经济效益。但是技术改造项目决策是关系到整个项目成败的关键,因此必须做好项目决策论证,以选择最优方案,并建立项目决策责任制,加强技术改造的管理。 It is difficult to dismantle the original buildings in the old factory reconstruction project, the upper structure is complicated to reinforce, and the lower foundation construction is difficult. In the reconstruction plan, corresponding measures must be taken to ensure the safety of the adjacent buildings and to make full use of the existing buildings. The carrying capacity of the object is the principle that must be mastered when determining the alteration plan. The transformation of old factories must be restricted by the site, original buildings and underground pipe networks. Therefore, it is necessary to do a good job of data collection in advance. To find out the layout of underground pipelines, the relative elevation of workshop floors, the record of settlement observations, the maintenance records of existing buildings, the status quo of existing building foundations and superstructures, as-built drawings, etc., and thus take effective measures to improve the original The strength and rigidity of the building minimize the amount of reinforcement work to accommodate the requirements of new processes and new equipment after renovation. At present, the division of labor in the reconstruction project is becoming increasingly finer and more professional. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the close cooperation among various majors and pay attention to the role of various professions. The civil engineering professional should especially respect the technology in the technical transformation of the old factory. The requirements put forward on the technology and equipment should be carefully digested, and the irrational part should be revised. This is extremely necessary to correctly determine the alteration plan. The old factory technological transformation has mobilized all aspects of industrial enterprises to attach importance to technological progress, develop production, increase production, and increase economic efficiency. However, decision-making of technological transformation project is the key to the success or failure of the entire project. Therefore, it is necessary to do a good job of project decision-making and demonstration in order to select the optimal plan, establish a responsibility system for project decision-making, and strengthen the management of technological transformation.
大部分时间内,我觉得寂寞是有益于健康的。有了伴儿,即使是最好的伴儿,不久也要厌倦,弄得很糟糕。我爱孤独。我没有碰到比寂寞更好的同伴了。到国外去侧身于人群之 Most of