Tuner control system of Spoke012 SRF cavity for C-ADS injector I

来源 :Chinese Physics C | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangShunsheng2000
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A new tuner control system for spoke superconducting radio frequency(SRF) cavities has been developed and applied to cryomodule I of the C-ADS injector I at the Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. We have successfully implemented the tuner controller based on Programmable Logic Controller(PLC)for the first time and achieved a cavity tuning phase error of ±0.7?(about ±4 Hz peak to peak) in the presence of electromechanical coupled resonance. This paper presents preliminary experimental results based on the PLC tuner controller under proton beam commissioning. A new tuner control system for spoke superconducting radio frequency (SRF) cavities has been developed and applied to cryomodule I of the C-ADS injector I at the Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. We have successfully implemented the tuner controller based on Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) for the first time and achieved a cavity tuning phase error of ± 0.7? (about ± 4 Hz peak to peak) in the presence of electromechanical coupled resonance. This paper presents preliminary experimental results based on the PLC tuner controller under proton beam commissioning.
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[摘 要] “全面二孩”政策的推行使女性有了更大的生育选择权,更多家庭将会选择生育两个孩子。而与此同时出现的问题是,女职工生育二胎,对其与用人单位的劳动关系中的合法权益的保护带来很大影响。生育二胎意味着更高的生育成本,也必然会引发多方主体间利益冲突。所以,国家应采取相应的扶持措施,以保证该政策的真正落实。  [关 键 词] 二胎;女职工;劳动合法权益;新挑战  [中图分类号] D922.1 [文献
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