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1998年,巴中地区粮食流通体制改革取得了显著成效,按保护价敞开收购农民余粮4.3亿斤,顺价销售粮食2.13亿斤,62户粮食购销企业迄今未出现新的亏损挂帐;资金封闭运行杜绝了收购资金的挤占挪用,粮食库贷比例和销售货款回笼率、回笼货款归还率、还贷率均达到100%;多种经营实现产值10432万元,利税328万元,分别比上年增长5.9%、3.4%;粮办工业实现产值28300万元、利润132万元,分别比上年增长6%和28.3%。在粮食流通市场极其疲软的情况下,为什么能取得如此辉煌的业绩?其主要原因在于那里有一位被誉为“孺子牛”的领头人,他就是新近被省政府表彰的“人民满意的公务员”、地区粮食局党委书记、局长黄吉顺高级经济师。 In 1998, the reform of the grain circulation system in Pakistan and China achieved remarkable results. According to the protection price, 430 million kilograms of surplus grain was purchased from farmers and 213 million kilograms of grain was sold at the same price. So far, 62 grain purchasers and retailers have not reported any new losses and losses. Put an end to the misappropriation of funds purchased, the proportion of loans to the grain depot and the return rate of sales of goods, the return rate of loan repayment, the repayment rate reached 100%; a variety of management to achieve 104.32 million yuan in output value, profits and taxes 3.28 million yuan, respectively, an increase over the previous year 5.9% and 3.4% respectively. Grain-processing industry realized output value of 283 million yuan and profit of 1.32 million yuan, an increase of 6% and 28.3% over the previous year respectively. The main reason why we can achieve such a brilliant performance in the extremely weak food circulation market is that there is a leader who has been hailed as the “leader” and he is recently commended by the provincial government. “The people are satisfied Civil servants ”, regional food bureau party secretary, director Huang Jishun senior economist.
状态检修目前在我国还处于探索、试验阶段,并没有一个成熟的模式可供借鉴和套用.自2006年以来,在110kV 1113白冶线等线路进行了一些状态检修尝试.通过分析总结,并参照兄弟单