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走进2000年的中国经济应该做些什么准备呢?著名经济学家、清华大学教授魏杰说:从20世纪中国发展看,拖中国后腿的有三件事:第一件事是国有企业。国有企业之所以改来改去改不动,就是因为我们一直把它当作一个政治问题,没有把它当作企业来改革。其实说到底、国有企业的改革应是产权制度改革。倘若在21世纪继续把国有企业改革拖下去,那么蕴藏的社会矛盾就会尖锐地暴露出来。解决国企身分问题、保障问题是多么重要。所以21世纪应该平稳地解决国有企业问题。实际上国企不是一个发展的问题,只要把历史问题平稳地解决掉就行了。 Well-known economist, Professor Wei Jie, Tsinghua University, said: From the perspective of China’s development in the 20th century, there are three things that drag China’s hind legs: the first thing is state-owned enterprises. The reason why the state-owned enterprises changed their policies from one reform to another is because we have always regarded it as a political issue and did not regard it as a reform enterprise. In fact, in the final analysis, the reform of state-owned enterprises should be the reform of the property system. If we continue to drag the reform of state-owned enterprises in the 21st century, the hidden social contradictions will be sharply exposed. How important it is to solve the identity problem of state-owned enterprises and safeguard the issue. Therefore, the 21st century should solve the problem of state-owned enterprises smoothly. In fact, the development of state-owned enterprises is not a problem, as long as the issue of history can be smoothly resolved.
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20世纪30年代,一位犹太传教士每天早晨,总是按时到一条乡间土路上散步。不论见到任何人,总是热情地打一声招呼:“早安。”其中,有一个叫米勒的年轻农民,对传教士的这声 In
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