Kinetics of Photocatalytic Degradation of Methylene Blue over TiO_2 Particles in Aqueous Suspensions

来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:QINDB
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The kinetics of photodegradation of methylene blue over UV light illuminated titania particles in aque-ous suspensions has been studied with different initial methylene blue concentrations and TiO_2 particle sizes.Thedegradation rate increases with the decrease of initial concentration and particle size.A quasi-experienced modelfor photodegradation rate is derived based mainly on the coinstantaneous effects of different initial concentrationsand partic1e sizes.The mathematica1 re1ationships of model parameters with initia1 concentration and particle sizeare given.The model results of the photodegradation rate of methylene blue are coincident with the experimentaldata. The kinetics of photodegradation of methylene blue over UV light with titania particles in aque-ous suspensions has been studied with different initial methylene blue concentrations and TiO 2 particle sizes. The degradation rate increases with the decrease of initial concentration and particle size. A quasi-experienced modelfor photodegradation rate is derived based mainly on the coinstantaneous effects of different initial concentrations and particulars size. mathematica1 re1ationships of model parameters with initia1 concentration and particle sizeare given. The model results of the photodegradation rate of methylene blue are coincident with the experimentaldata.
新生儿破伤风是WHO列为EPI重点控制的疾病之一,闽西一些县、市发病率超过控制指标。采用回顾性前瞻研究方法,发现农村孕产妇住院分娩率仅占8.66%(319/3 683),病例中由未受训人员接生率高达94.85%(129/136),围产期母婴配对检测血清破伤风抗毒素(TAT)达到保护水平者分别为23.81%(37/155)及20.65%(32/155),提示产程卫生处理不良及孕产妇抗体水平低下是新生
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